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Thread: vitriolic abuse

  1. #11
    Jack Flesher's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Los Altos, CA

    vitriolic abuse

    I don't understand the rudeness either. I am new here, but have to agree a few seem to enjoy stirring the pot and not just jj. As the newbie, I wonder to what end jj feels compelled to act this way? Has he always been like this or did something happen? Anyway, when he finally said "bye all" in the other thread, I think many hoped he meant for good... Obviously he didn't mean it -- he was back about four posts later.

    Hopefully you don't mean it either Paul. I think you have a lot to add to this forum and I for one enjoy your posts.

    Back to you jj. As a newcomer I really don't know the history with you here, but suspect there must be something that happened here that leaves you feeling compelled to trash talk most everybody you happen to disagree with at any opportunity. Moreover you seem intelligent, so when you act in that churlish fashion it doesn't mesh... Care to share what it may have been to turn you so sour? Maybe by discussing it openly you can work your way through it so the forum can get back to more meaningful -- and polite -- discussion. About photography. I suspect you too have LF knowledge and experiences to share or you wouldn't bother hanging out here.

    Just a thought -- but IMHO life's too short to live it with all the anger you are apparently carrying...
    Jack Flesher

  2. #12
    Kirk Gittings's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Albuquerque, Nuevo Mexico

    vitriolic abuse

    It would be odd that one could propose here the slaughter of uncountable thousands and be acceptable here, but one who uses a common, four-letter word to describe the same is considered unacceptable.

    Point well taken. Just consider whether your method is effective.

    at age 73:
    "The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
    But I have promises to keep,
    And miles to go before I sleep,
    And miles to go before I sleep"

  3. #13
    Abuser of God's Sunlight
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    brooklyn, nyc

    vitriolic abuse

    jj, i've looked back and seen a lot of great ideas from you, and mostly friendly arguments, and then it all ended a week or so ago. hardly anything but piss and vinnegar since then.

    i'd never want to boot someone (even if there were such a vote) for having a bad week, but i do wonder what's up.

  4. #14

    vitriolic abuse

    jj's point is meaningless unless supported by some actual words used---and I see no smoking gun for his accusation. jj's paraphrase and summary counts for nothing. He should not be allowed to put words into someone's mouth. To some, doing nothing about a warlike situation leads to slaughter and is obviously bad; to others, doing something warlike about a warlike situation leads to slaughter and is obviously bad. But this board has rules, and it seems quite clear jj broke them.

  5. #15
    Doug Dolde

    vitriolic abuse

    Watch the silly fool again.

  6. #16

    vitriolic abuse

    It's a photography forum not a political forum.

    Philosophy might apply, for example, to discussions about aesthetics, but injecting politics, religion, or other controversial topics should be done elsewhere.

  7. #17

    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Ottawa, Canada

    vitriolic abuse

    A quote:
    I think it is perfectly A-OK to kill, torture, wiretap, and goon squad the bad guys into defeat.

    My thoughts on this kind of attitude are unprintable. Maybe you think it is ok, but for a lot of people it is extremely inflammatory and has no more place here then jj's commment. For that matter, Paul B.'s message also has not place here, nor does mine.

  8. #18

    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    SF Bay Area

    vitriolic abuse

    This is really sad. I had logged on to contribute a few comments to Richard Boulware's thoughts of yesterday and came across this post. After a lifetime devoted to photography, over fifty years worth and hopefully with something to contribute, I now have serious doubts that this forum is the place.

  9. #19
    Dave Karp
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Los Angeles, CA

    vitriolic abuse

    The sort of behavior we have seen on this forum lately has been unfortunate. Some people worked really hard to save this forum a while back to get away from just this sort of behavior. Recently, things seem to have escalated.

    I don't know, but when we first became independent again it sure seems like things calmed down compared to what we were seeing on the other site. Perhaps I am fooling myself, but maybe it was because most of the ill-mannered people knew they were not wanted and stayed away.

    So, maybe the thing to do is ignore the bait. If someone behaves in a way you find offensive, respond to the substance and ignore the offensive part. My guess is that people are fishing for just the response they have been getting to that sort of post.

    Additionally, it seems a shame to congratulate and thank QT and the others for what they have given us, and then walk away. Why not increase your contribution and drown out the extraneous commentary instead of dropping out? This is a valuable community. I feel a debt of gratitude to QT and those who created and maintain this site. Why not keep giving and ignore the nonsense, or overwhelm it with valuable contributions?

    All this stuff lately has inspired me to work on a review of my monorail camera, since it is not covered in the camera review section of the site. Maybe I can help someone else that way. I don't think that just leaving will help anyone except those that you decry. Why not at least think about it?

  10. #20

    Join Date
    May 2000
    Tamworth, Staffordshire. U.K.

    vitriolic abuse

    I would like to see jj removed from this forum. there is no need for the offensive posts that he continually posts on this site.


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