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Thread: I hate digital

  1. #121
    SpeedGraphicMan's Avatar
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    Re: I hate digital

    I was in the midst of a group of local photojournalists and their latest wiz-bang Canons.
    I brought up the fact that I still shoot film, upon which they started to chide me a little...

    Then I pulled out my Speed Graphic with my self built flash handle...
    (I have several modified speedlights mounted on it, lets me shoot an ISO 100 at about f16 at 15 feet).

    Jaws dropped, and they all wanted to hold and try it out, I even used their cameras to take their pictures holding my camera!
    "I would like to see Paris before I die... Philadelphia will do..."

  2. #122

    Re: I hate digital

    i've been shooting photojournalism for 35 years, in both incantations, and I'm a bit surprised to read the moaning and groaning on this subject from large format photographers. Never, EVER, has anyone derided me or even teased when the Calumet 4x5 came out. In fact, in Kentucky or places like Cape Cod, it becomes a talking point about photography and why one method is used over another at a particular time and place.

    The problem I have is not digital amateurs, or pros, making derogatory comments. Rather, they want to know more about it. They want to look through it. They have questions. While trying to answer I usually lose the light.

    In the old days, we photojournalists had to carry a chemical dump in our cars, find a room we could mask off to print, and then plead ignorance when we had to disassemble someone's phone to file pictures with an 85-pound transmitter. Before deadline. Just three very good reasons to go to digital.

    I also shoot the large format for the beauty of the process. It slows me down. It forces me to see better. I makes me patient. I learn to edit while I shoot, which helps on the journalism side.

    This nonsensical complaint about one side putting down the other over method just tells me you guys are hanging out in the wrong places with the wrong people.
    "I meant what I said, not what you heard"--Jflavell

  3. #123
    SpeedGraphicMan's Avatar
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    Re: I hate digital

    Quote Originally Posted by John Flavell View Post
    This nonsensical complaint about one side putting down the other over method just tells me you guys are hanging out in the wrong places with the wrong people.
    If you read my story properly, you will notice I said they only chided me because I said I still shot film...
    That stopped when I pulled out my SpeedGraphic!

    This only reaffirms what you said!
    "I would like to see Paris before I die... Philadelphia will do..."

  4. #124

    Re: I hate digital

    Speed, I should have made clear my comments were not a reaction to what you wrote. And yes, your comments do affirm my thoughts.
    "I meant what I said, not what you heard"--Jflavell

  5. #125
    SpeedGraphicMan's Avatar
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    Re: I hate digital

    Quote Originally Posted by John Flavell View Post
    Speed, I should have made clear my comments were not a reaction to what you wrote. And yes, your comments do affirm my thoughts.
    That's fine, I wasn't chewing you out or anything like that...
    I am sorry if it sounded mean...
    "I would like to see Paris before I die... Philadelphia will do..."

  6. #126
    おせわに なります! Andrew O'Neill's Avatar
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    Re: I hate digital

    Seven years have passed since I typed this...

    I always got mixed comments. Most people were always quite impressed when they saw my 8x10 all set up. The negative comments usually came from teens and twenty-something people. I heard "haven't you heard of digital yet?" so many times from them. But they don't know. They don't even know that there is such a thing as LF photography. I teach digital photography in my graphics class to high school students. I ALWAYS brought in my 8x10, lenses, holders and a few negatives for them to look at (this was before I had everything ripped off...I still haven't replaced anything...I've kept my sanity by printing negatives that have never seen the light). My biggest challenge with these kids is getting them out of the "I'll fix it in photoshop" mindset. So, I can't wait until I've replaced my gear and can get out there again, taking pictures and educating the public!

    I'm happy to say that our highschool darkroom course is stronger than ever and we've added a hybrid component which I find has really enhances the kids work. Digital is a great teaching tool too! For my own personal work, I've learnt how to use digital negatives. Film and digital... love it!

    Back into the darkroom to expose a carbon print!


  7. #127
    SpeedGraphicMan's Avatar
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    Re: I hate digital

    Quote Originally Posted by Andrew O'Neill View Post
    Film and digital... love it!
    That is right! Why shouldn't we have the best of both worlds?

    I get so tired of the constant comparisons everywhere... Film is better than digital... Digital is better than film...

    Can't we just accept both for what they are!
    Hybrid work is nice, traditional printing is nice also.

    Each are different, lets celebrate our artistic diversity instead of creating division!
    "I would like to see Paris before I die... Philadelphia will do..."

  8. #128
    Deardorff Sales and service
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    Re: I hate digital

    I can work between the two with ease. Do people stare at my Deardorffs? Sure. I photograph at tractor shows. There are LOTS of old things at these shows including people!! This year when I was at my tent I hung a sign on my camera. It said "Not an old camera. Built in 1987. Not a replica It's just a big camera. And it can take a better picture than your camera" That worked fine till I woke up from an after lunch nap only to see a 5x7 Linhof on a tripod sitting next to my V8 and its owner (a friend of mine) in his folding chair. He wrote on my sign with an arrow pointing at his camera "This is an old german camera. It also takes better images than your whimpy digital camera. Dare me?"
    Ken Hough Deardorff Refinisher since 1982
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  9. #129

    Join Date
    May 1999

    Re: I hate digital

    Gfdky`s post has been deleted, so I`m deleting my answer.
    Wood and mechanized aluminum is always nicer to my taste than plastic and die cast alloys, but... does it really have something to do with photography? What about about brass vs. bronze?
    I see it use to be one of the most used arguments "against"...

  10. #130
    Ronaldi meirronaldi's Avatar
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    St. Louis, Missouri USA

    Re: I hate digital

    Recently I was at a national cemetary in St. Louis shooting with my Sinar 4x5. After working in 103F heat for nearly an hour to compose the shot, take test exposures and be just ready to put in real film for the shot I wanted two Veterans Administation police officers drove up in thier big Federal Government SUV. As soon as they pulled up they rolled down the windows of their icy cold car and commented "Boy you don't see one of those cameras every day!" After chatting with me for a second and commenting that I looke hot and that this looked like a lot of work, they told me that if I was shooting my none tripod DSLR cameras I could shoot as much as I liked but that I would need written permission from the cemetary manager to set up a tripod. Since I did not have written permission they were going to have to ask me to leave. Then they drove off. I took two E100G and 2 BW Tmax exposures, packed up my gear and called it a day.

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