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Thread: What sheet film pushes the best?

  1. #1

    What sheet film pushes the best?

    I need to push to iso 3200 (maybe 6400) to get a fairly fast shutter speed (1/60 or faster) in a dimly lit bar. Is there a sheet film, BW or color, that can do that fairly well?

  2. #2

    What sheet film pushes the best?

    Why not just borrow a dSLR and 50/1.8? I mean I love my Shen Hao and everything but I would never try and shoot in a dimly lit bar with a f/5.6 lens wide open. ISO 6400 film sounds pretty grainy.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    What sheet film pushes the best?

    The short answer is no, that's really a stretch. If you absolutely must, I'd suggest Ilford HP5 Plus. Be sure to run some tests first under similar conditions, to make sure the results are tolerable. Better would be to drop back to a medium-format camera if you own or can borrow one, which will likely give you access to faster lenses and also allow you to try Ilford Delta 3200, which is available in 120 rolls but not in sheet film.

  4. #4
    Whatever David A. Goldfarb's Avatar
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    Mar 2000
    Honolulu, Hawai'i

    What sheet film pushes the best?

    I don't think you'll get that much speed either, but you might try HP5+ in RAF pyro-metol. Here's the formula and my findings with it in TX and TXT--

    It gets a lot of speed with films that have a short toe, not as much with films like TXT. I used it for some 8x10" portraits I did not long ago in gallery lighting on TXT, and they print nicely on grade 3 Azo.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    What sheet film pushes the best?

    If you can find some HSIE, or something similar, you could put an IR filter over a bounce-flash.

  6. #6

    What sheet film pushes the best?

    Once again, the newpaper background may be helpful. We commonly pushed Tri-X to 3200 and over developed like crazy. You might try acufine or diafine if you can find it.
    "I meant what I said, not what you heard"--Jflavell

  7. #7

    What sheet film pushes the best?

    Tmx 400......

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    What sheet film pushes the best?

    We commonly pushed Tri-X to 3200 and over developed like crazy.

    But was that TX roll film, or TXT/TXP sheet film? Two completely different animals...

  9. #9
    Whatever David A. Goldfarb's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2000
    Honolulu, Hawai'i

    What sheet film pushes the best?

    Acufine will get you about a stop of real speed, measured as shadow detail. Above that, and it's all just pushing up the contrast.

  10. #10

    What sheet film pushes the best?

    Rollei R3 film will push to 6400 no problems. You need to use their High Speed developer to get the best results.

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