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Thread: Why do some photographers use sensitometry?

  1. #41

    Why do some photographers use sensitometry?

    Sorry Paul but I think you missed the point. Jorge has been insisting that the approach that Steve and I use was imprecise and demonstrated sloppy technique. He then presents an example of his method that (even Sandy basically agreed) demonstrated sloppy technique. Steve was not being hypocritical in pointing that out. It was plain as day. I pointed it out too. It was glaringly obvious (though I am willing to give Jorge the benefit of the doubt that these numbers were pulled out of the air for discussion purposes). Your love of Steve Simmons is clouding your judgement.

    Perhaps I missed the point, but I think not.

    Steve has been more or less continually posting, advocating for acceptance of "a softer approach".

    Ignoring for a minute the issue of Jorge picking example figures out of the air, Jorge then describes his practice, where he groups film for development taking into account the ability of his printing process to accomodate a range of negative contrasts.

    Simmons then proceeds to jump all over him.

    And yet, Simmons wrote these words: It would make more sense to me to present this more 'scientific' approach as one way but also to allow for the possibility of a softer approach. It feels like a little too much dogma sometimes about the right(one and only way) to do things.

    But Simmons doesn't seem to do much 'allowing for the possiblity of a softer approach' when he interprets Jorge's words as and proceeds to try to stuff them back down Jorge's throat.

    Horsehooey to that. He's a hypocrite, and if you think my opinion on this is clouded by my opinions of Steve I'd suggest that perhaps you and Steve being good buddies is more likely to cloud your judgement that my low opinion of Steve's personality is likely to cloud mine. At the very least, I appear to have the facts on my side.

    Are Zone system and BTZS style development controls useful? I happen to think so, even when printing on VC paper - but I've actually done TESTING to come to that opinion, concluding that in some cases abandoning development controls and adjusting VC paper contrast gives a different tonal distribution.

    In a case where the worker has demonstrated that the tonal differences are neglible and where the contrast control is sufficient to hit the window of contrast control of the printing process, I'd argue strongly that development controls should be relaxed in favor of convenience when processing film - just as Jorge advocates and practices.

    Being precise and scientific does not mean that you need to adjust the development time of each individual sheet to within fractions of a second - it means that you test the system, determine how much resolution of development time is needed to control your process, and then set your system up accordingly. Jorge appears to have done this testing - and has made the admirable decision to not go pointlessly increasing his labors when he can simplify, reduce his labor, and maintain control of his process. It sounds to me like Jorge is AVOIDING exactly the sort of obsessive, destructive, slavish worship of technique that everyone has been saying interferes with attention to Art, and instead has balanced his approach in a sensible and workable way, carefully balancing convenience against control.

    That's what the scientific method is about. Steve, however, sees fit to lecture Jorge with "Don't you ever give another lecture on why sensitometry is necessary or helpful. This post you made undoes all your claims of precision or the love of craft. "

    It may be that Steve has experimental evidence to back up his assertion that Jorge's practice is inadequate and 'undoes all his claims of precision or love of craft". If he has the evidence, then I'd suggest it would be interesting if he shared it here, to back up his claim.

    If he doesn't have the evidence, then it appears to me that he owes Jorge an apology.

  2. #42

    Join Date
    Apr 2000

    Why do some photographers use sensitometry?

    Lousy negatives can make outstanding prints. Moonrise over etc. by A.Adams is only one example.

  3. #43

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    Sep 2003
    Portland, OR

    Why do some photographers use sensitometry?

    "OK, but I have no idea what "nuts equates to fan" means. My use of English does not allow me to understand what you mean. To say that someone is "nuts" means to to me, in English usage..."

    Sandy - See definition 6B:

    "Nut" in this use, means that someone is a fanatic about something, i.e. an enthusiast. You may think that General Mill's cereal-loving mascot Sonny was insane when he was "cockoo for Cocoa Puffs", but I'm sure General Mills meant that Sonny was merely an overly enthusiastic fanatic for the cereal. I.e, he was nuts about it!

    Maybe it's not a term used in the southern US?


  4. #44

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    Portland, OR

    Why do some photographers use sensitometry?

    The other Kirk wrote, "He then presents an example of his method that (even Sandy basically agreed) demonstrated sloppy technique. Steve was not being hypocritical in pointing that out. It was plain as day. I pointed it out too. It was glaringly obvious"

    But you guys failed to consider what the slope of the development curve may have been for his example.

    Even though I don't use the BTZS system for determining exposure, I do find that the testing scheme described in the book to be one of the very best fo all the reasons that Sandy laid out in the very first post.

    Perhaps the other Kirk or Steve Simmons could describe how they could get the same amount of development info using their testing schemes as can be determined with the BTZS film testing regime?

  5. #45
    Kirk Gittings's Avatar
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    Why do some photographers use sensitometry?

    This is hilarious!

    at age 73:
    "The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
    But I have promises to keep,
    And miles to go before I sleep,
    And miles to go before I sleep"

  6. #46
    Kirk Gittings's Avatar
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    Albuquerque, Nuevo Mexico

    Why do some photographers use sensitometry?

    Although the results are skewed by the fact that SS is a much more common name than JG and benefits from more SS's in his corner.

    at age 73:
    "The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
    But I have promises to keep,
    And miles to go before I sleep,
    And miles to go before I sleep"

  7. #47

    Why do some photographers use sensitometry?

    Here is another one


  8. #48

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    Why do some photographers use sensitometry?

    One Kirk wrote: "The other Kirk wrote"

    Wow, two Kirks. Just imagine a scenario where there were two of all of us: two Jorges, two Sandys, two Steves, two Pauls, etc.

    We could waste up to 95% of our time in these kind of futile exchanges.
    For discussion and information about carbon transfer please visit the carbon group at

  9. #49
    Kirk Gittings's Avatar
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    Why do some photographers use sensitometry?

    I am actually intrigued by the claims made here by Sandy, Jorge et al about the accuracy and simplicity of the BTZS approach and intend to try it this winter when things slow down. Anything that has the potential for being more accurate AND simpler is very seductive. As always if I have been wrong, I will post that conclusion here.

    at age 73:
    "The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
    But I have promises to keep,
    And miles to go before I sleep,
    And miles to go before I sleep"

  10. #50

    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Why do some photographers use sensitometry?

    ah, but this is the correct one

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