Uh-oh, Damn Henry, your right. I forgot all about electronic shutters. I had a Mamiya 645 about 25 years ago. I humped that thing up to around 10,000 feet while skiing in the Alps. Talk of cold and snow. Anyway everything I shot at altitude came back overexposed by about 4 stops. The cold sucked the life out of all the fresh batteries. I dumped that piece of $#!+ camera and bought a Hasselblad. I've been skiing and shooting in the snow ever since with no problems. To keep this on L/F thread I also ski with a 4x5 Crown Graphic. Snow, even wet snow, just wipes right off. Keep a chamois with the camera.

Now that nut case John Kasaian skis with a 5x7 which is why he has a bad back. And this year it's 8x10. Hey John, is your physical therpist on retainer?