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Thread: Avoiding harassment when shooting in the street

  1. #41
    Tin Can's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Avoiding harassment when shooting in the street

    Street is done and gone

    No way am I ever doing it again

    I was going to photogragh a Historical Village very close to me, owned and run by a local JR College

    BUT they have combined Hunting and Fishing Days, that is the official name, with the very calm Historical Village Spring event

    WAY More hunters show up

    I will duck and cover and photogragh when that weekend is done

    There was 500 people behind me on campus all very young

    For this Civil War Cannon

    Shot with historical camera posted today

    Civil War Cannon firing by TIN CAN COLLEGE, on Flickr
    Tin Can

  2. #42
    Drew Wiley
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: Avoiding harassment when shooting in the street

    A particular refinery not far from here looks especially photogenic, but you can't approach it at all. They aren't worried about industrial spies, but about sheer legal liability due to an accidental release or fire incident, which does sometimes happen.
    I've gotten up on a hill behind it with a long telephoto, but it's not the perspective I want. And besides, refineries put out a lot or haze and smoke obscuring the details from far away.

    Solar farms out in the desert can be quite contentious. Out by the CA/NV border there's a big one right atop endangered desert tortoise habitat which has brought angry protestors, along with complaints of spoiling the view from the ridges of a nearby Wilderness Area. I hate what solar farms do to views too, but am not a Monkey Wrench Gang type. And a least they're hypothetically removable, unlike more hydro dams, which are starved of water in the Southwest now anyway.
    Last edited by Drew Wiley; 20-May-2023 at 18:59.

  3. #43
    Tin Can's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Avoiding harassment when shooting in the street

    Factory 1 by TIN CAN COLLEGE, on Flickr
    Tin Can

  4. #44

    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    Los Angeles / Paris

    Re: Avoiding harassment when shooting in the street

    To avoid harassment in Los Angeles, it is to be the fastest possible when I decide to take a picture. Meaning no tripod, this is where the graflex super D shines. You can really act fast.
    No matter how fast cops came twice. It went well because they laughed at that camera and I gave it to them to look it through the viewfinder. That thing breaks the barrier !
    But you never know, the third time might no be the same.

  5. #45

    Join Date
    Mar 2020
    Delaware, USA

    Re: Avoiding harassment when shooting in the street

    Quote Originally Posted by GuillaumeZuili View Post
    To avoid harassment in Los Angeles, it is to be the fastest possible when I decide to take a picture. Meaning no tripod, this is where the graflex super D shines. You can really act fast.
    No matter how fast cops came twice. It went well because they laughed at that camera and I gave it to them to look it through the viewfinder. That thing breaks the barrier !
    But you never know, the third time might no be the same.
    It should have gone well simply because you weren’t breaking the law. They have to investigate if they get a call, but they shouldn’t need to do anything more than ask a couple questions. Even checking your ID is a step too far.

  6. #46
    Drew Bedo's Avatar
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    Houston Texas

    Re: Avoiding harassment when shooting in the street

    I have not actually done any street photography with a tripod and LF camera . . .

    But I might think about getting a high nvisability vest like street workers use, along with a yellow hard hat and a few orange cones. The idea is that if you lok like you are authorized, there will be less bother.
    Drew Bedo

    There are only three types of mounting flanges; too big, too small and wrong thread!

  7. #47
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Dec 2011

    Re: Avoiding harassment when shooting in the street

    Drew, I have friends that moved to Houstin last winter

    Both got good inside jobs

    No idea what your work was

    but outside workers dress for the weather with scuffed work boots

    drive a white pick me up

    white hard hat

    and learn how to pitch your voice to a coworker's ears in noise

    Full size dirty cone

    Clip board, pencils, Biz Cards, give them to everybody

    Carry the Habs rules and spin a story to fit

    I always had magnitic signs for my truck

    50 years ago I was 'Randy's Rolling Repair'

    be very honest and don't gawk the ladies

    Bring prints to your people

    give them away

    they will help you

    I was a winter Texan for years camped next to

    Quote Originally Posted by Drew Bedo View Post
    I have not actually done any street photography with a tripod and LF camera . . .

    But I might think about getting a high nvisability vest like street workers use, along with a yellow hard hat and a few orange cones. The idea is that if you lok like you are authorized, there will be less bother.
    Tin Can

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Feb 2001

    Re: Avoiding harassment when shooting in the street

    Quote Originally Posted by Drew Bedo View Post
    I have not actually done any street photography with a tripod and LF camera . . .

    But I might think about getting a high nvisability vest like street workers use, along with a yellow hard hat and a few orange cones. The idea is that if you lok like you are authorized, there will be less bother.
    Not on the street but 30 yards off a main road, just the other day I pulled off the road into the breakdown lane / shoulder, put flashers on, and a cone out, I spent 3 minutes out of my car taking 2 photographs with what I had handy as preliminary photographs, and 2 police cruisers questioned why I was on land that is supposed to be public land. Strange days ahead.

  9. #49

    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Montreal, Canada

    Re: Avoiding harassment when shooting in the street

    I’ve had this sort of crap doing urban landscape photography many times, not only with the fuzz, but occasionally subway ‘cops’ and security guards. I found it worst from a # of incidents perspective in the years following nine-eleven, but the level of danger is probably higher now when it comes to the likelihood of being shot or clubbed or choked or shaken down by the law here.

    Quote Originally Posted by jnantz View Post
    Not on the street but 30 yards off a main road, just the other day I pulled off the road into the breakdown lane / shoulder, put flashers on, and a cone out, I spent 3 minutes out of my car taking 2 photographs with what I had handy as preliminary photographs, and 2 police cruisers questioned why I was on land that is supposed to be public land. Strange days ahead.

  10. #50
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Dec 2011

    Re: Avoiding harassment when shooting in the street

    Last time I was in Montreal was 2008

    I was amazed how the junkies were camping on sidewalks

    and openly sell junk

    I like the underground

    but why no train from airport?

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael R View Post
    I’ve had this sort of crap doing urban landscape photography many times, not only with the fuzz, but occasionally subway ‘cops’ and security guards. I found it worst from a # of incidents perspective in the years following nine-eleven, but the level of danger is probably higher now when it comes to the likelihood of being shot or clubbed or choked or shaken down by the law here.
    Tin Can


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