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Thread: In Praise of Size (not a question)

  1. #1

    In Praise of Size (not a question)

    (Ok, what did you THINK I was going to talk about????)

    For them what are considering establishing a darkroom and pondering the options, I thought I would pass on some personal comments.

    After almost 40 years of temporary darkrooms ranging from 4x6 foot clothsets, bathrooms, spare bedrooms, etc., I have finally moved into my purpose-built basement darkroom with a HUGE amount of space (I light-proofed the entire basement). It has a baffled entrance, exhaust air handling system, low voltage lighting control with 4 light levels (dark, safelight, low light, and bright lights) with low light and safe light on dimmers so they are adjustable. The working area of the darkroom is about 12x16 with film drying outside of the working area. There are 4 safelights; 3 in the working area (one on each wall) and one near the entrance, so the illumination is very even and I never end up working in a shadow.

    Having spent some time in the new darkroom and processed some E-6, some B&W, and a bunch of tintypes, all I can say is


    Having the space to move about freely without tripping over stuff or bumping into stuff, having space to have a bunch of stuff out at one time (without being stacked up), and having the ability to "nip out" for a second without putting everything away is GREAT!

    If you love your photography and enjoy your darkroom time, and if you have the option, GO FOR SPACE! You wont regret it!

    This will probably be my last darkroom - I'll go from here to the old fart's home or be found dead in the darkroom - and I LOVE IT! I should have done it years ago.

    Just thought I'd share :-)

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    In Praise of Size (not a question)

    Jane, I agree completely.

    Over the decades I have worked in 14 b&w, color and print darkrooms, each with radically different layouts. So You would think I might have become an expert on what works.

    Not so. A few years ago, upon retirement, I completely rebuilt my home darkroom and downsized it from 12' x 24' to 12' x 12'. It looked wonderful on paper.

    Aside from the spiffy new decor, the major difference in size has been accomplished by reducing the 48 running feet of counter space to a mere 4 feet.

    What a jerk!

    While I am still frisky enough to operate the Shopsmith, it's time to rebuild again...

  3. #3

    In Praise of Size (not a question)

    John: LOL!!!! From 48 feet to 4 feet ??? !!! YIKES!

  4. #4
    Moderator Ralph Barker's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Rio Rancho, NM

    In Praise of Size (not a question)

    Congrats on the new darkroom, CJ. And, as to the inevitable demise many years from now, may I suggest resisting any temptation of going into the dim, so to speak (moving [or, being moved] to an OF home). Just clunk over in the darkroom. ;-)

    I don't have a basement, so that option doesn't exist for me. But, I am looking forward to the conversion of the bedroom that backs up to the laundry closet in my new house. That will give me a 10' x 10' darkroom - spacious compared to what I've worked with over the years.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    San Joaquin Valley, California

    In Praise of Size (not a question)

    In the Barbie darkroom (my 7 year old daughter's bathroom) I add counter space when needed by using TV tray tables. Kind of wobbly but I look upon it as an aid to agitation.

    When the printing session is over, stewardess Barbie says "Make sure all tray tables are folded and stowed" ;-)
    "I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority"---EB White

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Phoenix, AZ

    In Praise of Size (not a question)

    My darkroom: 9 X 11 to include wet, dry and all storage.

    My hero: Calamity Jane.

  7. #7
    Donald Qualls's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    North Carolina

    In Praise of Size (not a question)

    My darkroom: a not-too-spacious bathroom.

    OTOH, I can convert without getting written permission from the landlord (no permanent alterations to the structure), and it can still serve as a bathroom between printing or film loading sessions. And it cost almost nothing to light seal.

    Space? Just means you have to walk around more. I don't even think about trying to recut paper or load film in the same session as printing -- the same counter overlay (to turn a sink into flat space) is used for both...
    If a contact print at arm's length is too small to see, you need a bigger camera. :D

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Jun 2000

    In Praise of Size (not a question)


    agree with you 100%.... my darkroom seems to shrink in size... more and more stuff to put in ...not counting that the house seems smaller and smaller too because photography stuff and computer stuffs are eveyrwhere.... Put those stuff in storage is not a solution because I need them everyday....I NEED SPACE TOO... ... :-)

    If I could I 'd move and live in a warehouse.....2 stories warehouse is better....

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Oct 2000

    In Praise of Size (not a question)

    Good for you !!!
    I`ve worked in my share dark ( darker than necessary) dismal darkrooms and have always felt that a darkroom is a place that one should enjoy working in. So with my current, and hopefully last darkroom, I`ve created a "clean well lighted place". Fair sized too! Twelve foot sink and seperate four foot wash sink. Now if life didn`t get in the way so often, I`d get to spend more time in a place that I enjoy, doing the things that I enjoy...

  10. #10

    In Praise of Size (not a question)

    For any what's interested, I have posted a tour of my new darkroom over here : (until I hit my bandwidth limit on Yahoo - in which case try again later).

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