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Thread: Joseph Holmes Ekta Space with Gamma L

  1. #11
    Peter De Smidt's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Fond du Lac, WI, USA

    Re: Joseph Holmes Ekta Space with Gamma L

    I get that, but hasn't Joseph done that for you?
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  2. #12

    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: Joseph Holmes Ekta Space with Gamma L

    Quote Originally Posted by yeolde View Post
    Yep, but what is the modern method?

    Sent from my MI MAX 2 using Tapatalk
    Modern editors are using 32bit floating point, that is what you will find in LR, Rawtherapee, capture1, Nuke, Blender, Davinci, I don't know what the latest version of photoshop has? They will use a linear curve i,e, straight line, with a gamma of 1 for their internal working space. Ideally non destructive.

    When Joseph designed those curves editors were 8 bit.

    But this is complex topic, that is not straight forward to explain.

    What I think you want to do can be done with 1D LUT, i.e. a simple tone curve. Or you could just buy them they are not expensive!

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