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Thread: Developing Labs in 2018

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Del City, OK

    Developing Labs in 2018

    Where are you sending your film out for development these days? I'm specifically talking about sheet film (4x5) C-41 and E-6.

    I had been using for several years, but I'm getting fed up with the quality of their work. Every time I send them film, about 1 in 5 come back with uneven development, 1 in 3 come back not being completely washed, and all of them seem to have more scratches and dust than the B&W film I develop at home. They also puncture the edges (I assume to hang the film) and that messes with my wet scanning process. Now the scratches and dust I could forgive. Maybe they get scratched and dusty in the mail. But the uneven development and the lack of thoroughly washing the film is really getting to me. I'm tired of seeing streaks across my skies. Since I often scan my shots using a wet scanning process, I wash my film in a water tray with some Photo-Flo to remove any residual scanning fluid afterwards. About 1 in 3 will leave the water yellow. does a good job with 135 and 120 film, but I have a local place that also does a good job with those formats, and does it for much cheaper (assuming I don't get their scanning service) and much quicker (though E-6 takes about the same amount of time because they have to send it out). So I'm beginning to think that thedarkroom's reputation as a quality lab comes from their work with roll film, cause their sheet film developing has left me unimpressed.

    What I'm looking for is a lab that does quality work, doesn't charge too much, and has a reasonably quick turn around time. 2 weeks is good. I don't need lightning speed, but I don't want to have to wait a month or more. I don't need scanning services, though it would be nice if they offered them (especially drum scanning). It would also be nice if they returned the box I sent the film in and didn't charge an exorbitant amount for shipping. I'd also like to find a place that does both C-41 and E-6, so I don't have to send my film off to two separate places.

    I've contemplated developing my own color film, but I don't shoot enough color to make it worth my while. I don't have room or the money for a JOBO or other sheet developing automation machines. Also, I don't shoot color that often, so I'd be wasting a lot of chemicals (and money) trying to do it myself. So it just make more sense for me to send it out.

    So who do you use in 2018?

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    now in Tucson, AZ

    Re: Developing Labs in 2018

    color? Praus Productions. (IIRC). None better.
    b/w? Edgar does that too- he processes in XTOL, or did the last time I sent him any film, in 2011.
    I have (almost) always processed my own b/w.

  3. #3

    Re: Developing Labs in 2018

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Sampson View Post
    color? Praus Productions. (IIRC). None better.
    b/w? Edgar does that too- he processes in XTOL....
    He also processes in TMAX, HC-110, and D-76, addition to XTOL. Just let him know which one you want. Edgar is a heck of a nice guy, and very helpful and willing to talk to you. I use him for optical enlargements and C-41 sheet film since he does optical contact sheets for color negative film.

    For most of my work I use Dodge-Chrome, since I can drive over to their lab. They do C-41, E-6 and B&W from 35mm to 8"x10" all in house, with dip-and-dunk equipment, and they offer both proof scans and Imacon scans. Black-and-white film is developed in Ilford DD chemistry. They also offer optical B&W contact sheets. Turnaround time, for Dodge-Chrome, is usually about a week.

  4. #4

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    Del City, OK

    Re: Developing Labs in 2018

    Excellent! Thank you for the recommendations! These are exactly what I was looking for! One reason I had originally chosen thedarkroom was because they were a lot cheaper than other places I was finding. But the labs you listed have competitive prices as well!

  5. #5

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    Developing Labs in 2018

    I use one in Italy for all (b/w to e-6) and his quality control is top notch. He can do r4-a up to 20*24 and if needed internegative from slides. He is absolutely amazing in the range of service, like he fixed my durst transformer and head, can do the scale of a large format lens and cla all hasselblad materials.
    Sandro presta, if you need more holler me

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  6. #6

    Join Date
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    Canyon Country, California

    Re: Developing Labs in 2018

    I use North Coast Photo in Carlsbad, California:

    I Priority Mail to them, usually on Mondays, film is back to me usually Friday, sometimes Thursday or Saturday. I've been quite happy with their service. I only do E-6.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    South Dakota

    Re: Developing Labs in 2018

    I've been using Citizen's Photo in Portland for the past three years (4x5, 5x7.) They do excellent work and are very polite on the phone. I even stopped in for a visit last summer when I was out that way. Never had any film scratched, damaged, or lost by them.

    Kent in SD
    In contento ed allegria
    Notte e di vogliam passar!

  8. #8

    Join Date
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    Del City, OK

    Re: Developing Labs in 2018

    Thanks again for the recommendations! I was afraid that I'd have to spend more for better quality developing, but it looks like I might be able to save some money too!

    Unfortunately, Italy is out of the question for me. But thanks for adding it! I'm sure someone will stumble across this post and need a European lab!

  9. #9

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    Re: Developing Labs in 2018

    Not a problem, I noticed later the US based factor. But you know, if I stumbled upon it someone else might as well as you said. Cheers!

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  10. #10
    sepiareverb's Avatar
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    Re: Developing Labs in 2018

    LTI Lightside in NYC. I had been using Praus but the proofs from my 810 Portra 160 were all over the place. LTI makes a very nice actual contact print.

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