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Thread: Some Photo books now selling for exorbitant prices.

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Collinsville, CT USA

    Some Photo books now selling for exorbitant prices.

    Why are some Photo books now going for so much money?

    Edge of Darkness by Barry Thornton - I find most of the content just common sense.

    The Master Photographer's Lith Printing Course by Tim Rudman - Most of the photo materials/supplies that are noted in the book are no longer available.

    The Photographer's Toning Book by Tim Rudman - Again most of the photo materials/supplies that are noted in the book are no longer available, though the chapter on Formulary I have found to be useful but the info is readily available on the WEB or in other books.

    THE PLATINOTYPE 1977 by Nancy Rexroth - 30 pages of info that is covered at extended depth in other books.

    Bought these books (and others) when they first came out, used them over the years, but now very rarely refer to them. I've seen the above books (and others) selling for exorbitant prices lately. Prices reflective of demand? Just curious...

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    now in Tucson, AZ

    Re: Some Photo books now selling for exorbitant prices.

    Without checking, I'd guess that they are all out of print. That often will drive the price.
    1) You might find Thornton's book 'just common sense'. Perhaps to you, yes, but probably not to everyone. I don't know the author or the book.
    2) Lith printing- even if materials are obsolete, information about the method is probably hard to come by in one place.
    3) I bought Mr. Rudman's toning book, thought that it would be useful reference, didn't experiment much with toners, lost the book in a move (I think).
    4) Rexroth's The Platinotype- no idea, as I'm not a platinum printer.
    Things are worth what people will pay. Asking prices are not selling prices. Put your copies on the market before the apparent demand goes away.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Pacifica, CA

    Re: Some Photo books now selling for exorbitant prices.

    Not only out of print. They are the books that you hear first when the question comes up.. what’s the best book on...

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: Some Photo books now selling for exorbitant prices.

    Even if out of print or overpriced, they are usually available through Interlibrary loan. I've gotten and read the Thornton books that way, also Infra by Richard Mosse, and other expensive books.

  5. #5
    Tin Can's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Some Photo books now selling for exorbitant prices.

    I don't want any of those books.

    I buy too many books and when I do I put a search in with Abe's Books. They will look for years, sending occasional updates, all listed by price and shipping. Bargains do pop up. Sometimes international shipping with total cost is cheaper than USA internal transactions.

    I also walk into any tiny used bookstore I can still find.

  6. #6
    jp's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Some Photo books now selling for exorbitant prices.

    Rudman's books have been very expensive used for a few years.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Arlington, Mass.

    Re: Some Photo books now selling for exorbitant prices.

    Sometimes out of print book prices are set algorithmically, esp. via Amazon/ABEbooks or similar marketplaces. That doesn't mean that they're selling for those prices, though, just listing for those prices. Just something to consider.

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