I am considering buying a Schneider 110mm Super Symmar XL. The lens is suffering from quite a bit "Schneideritis" on the front element. It looks more like tiny bubbles rather than flakes. In fact nothing in there looks like flakes.

The rear element has what appears to be a scratch in the coating (not a nick in the glass). The scratch won't come out with cleaning solution. I can't seem to find a definite answer as to whether or not the Schneideritis affects image quality but what about the scratch in the rear coating?

I'm new to LF and am shopping for my first lens. I have never used a lens with a scratch on the rear element for any of my 35mm and MF work so I have no idea what affect it may have on an image. I imagine any affects might be greatly exaggerated with LF...

Should I stay away entirely or if I can get it for a good price, should I go for it?

Any input is much appreciated!