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Thread: Book publishing services

  1. #21
    Founder QT Luong's Avatar
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    San Jose, CA

    Book publishing services

    John, Royce Bair that I cited previously has this page about printing your book yourself:
    Eventually he thought the time, labor and materials to print these books were
    overwhelming and used Asuka Books.

  2. #22
    Founder QT Luong's Avatar
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    Aug 1997
    San Jose, CA

    Book publishing services

    Mike Johnston has written about it favorably in for (finally) publishing his photo books

    They are book about photography, not books of photography.

    Actually selling doesn't become any easier. It is just that the pressure is off.

    I think he meant selling the proposal to a publisher.

  3. #23
    matthew blais's Avatar
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    Oct 2003
    Riverside, CA

    Book publishing services

    Hi QT...
    I just remembered that Christopher Burkett ( printed his books in LA at Dual Graphics.

    As I was up there visiting his studio recently, I do remember him saying they (printers) worked very well for him. Each original cibachrome is apparently scanned for color separations, and upon the various press checks he did, he had each and every one of his book images (originals) there to compare with. Tedious, meticulous and the books are very nice. Having seen a nice presentation of about thirty of his prints, and seeing the book, the closeness is, I think, as good as it can get.

    I haven't a clue what he paid, but he did self-publish.
    I'm sure he would be helpful with information if you contacted him.

    Another option can't hurt.

    Best of luck and look forward to your book!
    "I invent nothing, I rediscover"
    August Rodin

    My Now old Photo Site

  4. #24

    Book publishing services

    For a lower end product you may want to look at They print small and medioum sized "photo album" type books that I have seen for sale in galleries. pretty much a canned format, but an oiption none the less.

  5. #25

    Book publishing services

    Dual Graphics is an excellent printer--the best in the USA. I used them for three of the Lodima Press books, and they are heartily recommended. But they are very expensive. When we started printing with Salto in Belgium we found the quality was even better (600-line screen quadtone) and the price was cheaper because the dollar was high vs. the Belgian franc (I think it was the franc). Now that the Euro is high relative to the dollar, the printing is expensive, though we continue to use Salto because the quality is unbeatable.

    If you are trying to save money, printing in the Far East is the only way to go, especially for color work. Besides Hong Kong, there are excellent printers in Singapore, Mainland China, and Korea. Get prices and samples from a number of printers.

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