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Thread: Giclee my Schmicklee !

  1. #21
    Kirk Gittings's Avatar
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    Mar 2004
    Albuquerque, Nuevo Mexico

    Giclee my Schmicklee !


    The developer for C prints must be aged by running some prints thru it or adding some chemical (I quite doing this awhile ago and can't remember) to age it. Otherwise you get low contrast with pink whites and pastel colors. I was always curious about his prints so I went to a gallery and looked at his prints in a flat file. The white boarders underneath the window mat were pink, a dead give away.

    at age 73:
    "The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
    But I have promises to keep,
    And miles to go before I sleep,
    And miles to go before I sleep"

  2. #22

    Giclee my Schmicklee !

    Thanks, Kirk. Very interesting.

    His stuff is beautiful, no doubt about it.

  3. #23
    Abuser of God's Sunlight
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    Aug 2004
    brooklyn, nyc

    Giclee my Schmicklee !

    "The unspoken truth among us is that fine art is one part craftsmanship and nine parts blarney. Or perhaps “salesmanship” would be more p-c."

    fine art may have something to do with craftsmanship or not, and it may have something to do with blarney or not ... but SELLING fine ar most definitely means understanding both fine art and salesmanship. If your work sold itself, there would be no need for galleries. As it is, few people I know who are succesful in the fine art world complain about galleries taking a 50% commission. These people know how hard it is to sell the work.

    I'm happy with idea that making art is my job, and selling it is someone else's. If that person needs to refer to a frenchman's ejaculate to make someone comfortable handing over hundreds of dollars, than so be it. As long as I'm not the one who has to do the wanking.

  4. #24

    Giclee my Schmicklee !

    For more on the "real " story behind the term Giclee, pronounced "zhee-clay", look here:

    I suppose the custom print industry needed a "proper" term to describe their work such as the label "haute couture" is to the high fashion clothing industry. Something to distinquish your custom print from "off the rack". Based on the article at the link above, Giclee may soon evolve into a "protected appellation" too, requiring that certain rules and conditions be followed in order to apply the term to one's digital print.

    See also:

    Looks like the high-brow feline's out of the bag and spraying in ever new directions!

  5. #25
    Whatever David A. Goldfarb's Avatar
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    Honolulu, Hawai'i

    Giclee my Schmicklee !

    Now wouldn't you just love one of these on the back of your prints?--

  6. #26
    Founder QT Luong's Avatar
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    San Jose, CA

    Giclee my Schmicklee !

    The ostentatious term does work on most buyers.

    If it's not broken, why fix it ?

  7. #27

    Giclee my Schmicklee !

    As much as I hate to admit it I think QT is right.

    I'll just have to put my franconausea aside and go with the flow. When my non photographer artist acquaintences start talking about the new Giclee prints they are paying for I'll only mention that my Lightjets and Chromira color prints are an actual photographic process rather than ink spurted ... er, sprayed on paper.

  8. #28

    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    San Joaquin Valley, California

    Giclee my Schmicklee !


    I'll just keep pulling my prints out of trays with my hairy forearms ;-)
    "I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority"---EB White

  9. #29

    Join Date
    Jul 2000

    Giclee my Schmicklee !

    "these prints should not even be hung anywhere for any length of time but kept in dark storage" Kirk, I'm sorry but how can you attach the would archival to that statement? Even with casual viewing in museum quality light the image will be exposed to UV and over a period of say 50 years I can't see how the inks will survive. This inkjet started fading after two days. personlly I could not be comfortable using the term archival. But as long as you are comfortable telling your customers that this print is archival then more power to you, as I said to each their own. But what I have a problem with is the buying public may compare the term with the archival properties of a pt/pd print and that is almost insulting. You see when we talk archival in platinum we're talking 500- 1000 years and you are correct that is a great selling point. Such a good selling point that inkjet printers are making the same claim to a naturally uninformed public and it seems unfair to those of us who take on the painstaking and expensive task to produce beautiful prints in platinum so they can be enjoyed for centuries to come. I may sound a little bias because i work in pt/pd but I feel insulted when I here the new owner of a beautiful new" Archival Ink Print" refer to it as "this will be around as long as the pt/pd's." There I got that off of my chest. Now I really like some of the work and I hope it continues to improve. I have seen some drop dead gorgeous prints and even own a couple so please keep up the good work.

  10. #30

    Join Date
    Jul 2000

    Giclee my Schmicklee !

    Sorry, that should have read ...How can you attach the word archival......?

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