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Thread: New55 new Kickstarter campaign

  1. #11

    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: New55 new Kickstarter campaign

    Yeah, seems some drama and backstory here that we are not privy to. 20x24s materials are worn out, the reagents and film (and receiver sheet?) have aged too far to be usable anymore, I think they are shutting down at the end of this year. They have the pod machine, which seems like it would go to waste otherwise, if they are shutting down the 20x24 stuff. Are they now a competitor to New55 and thus not selling pod making service anymore? who knows. As it stands they will probably have to trash a bunch of 20x24 film/paper if it doesn't get used up in time (which it looked like it wasn't going to be), of course the really high prices per exposure aren't helping their cause in that regard...

  2. #12

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Re: New55 new Kickstarter campaign

    Quote Originally Posted by BobCrowley View Post
    That was the reason given.
    Can you clarify what exactly is the reason 20/24 will no longer supply new 55 with pods?

  3. #13

    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: New55 new Kickstarter campaign

    Does it matter? No. What matters is is that New55 has to find another way to get pods for New55PN. And that takes money. To become independent on such a critical part is actually better than to have a partner that can decide not to deliver anymore. New55 has overcome such obstacles before and it can do again but they need your help for that to happen :-)
    Stupid questions deserve stupid answers.

  4. #14

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    Jun 2010

    Re: New55 new Kickstarter campaign

    Quote Originally Posted by EdSawyer View Post
    Yeah, seems some drama and backstory here that we are not privy to. 20x24s materials are worn out, the reagents and film (and receiver sheet?) have aged too far to be usable anymore, I think they are shutting down at the end of this year. They have the pod machine, which seems like it would go to waste otherwise, if they are shutting down the 20x24 stuff. Are they now a competitor to New55 and thus not selling pod making service anymore? who knows. As it stands they will probably have to trash a bunch of 20x24 film/paper if it doesn't get used up in time (which it looked like it wasn't going to be), of course the really high prices per exposure aren't helping their cause in that regard...
    I'm not privy to it either. We have enough pods to make 1000 boxes of New55PN on hand, which is not enough to fulfill a kickstarter calling for 2000 boxes. Since I cannot assure backers of delivery now, I might as well stop that and build and sell what we do have. We have no trouble selling New55 PN which is a strong niche product.

    On another note, our lab did a lot of work including experiments and visits to factories to establish New55 COLOR as a new peelapart material that did not use any legacy materials. We got it to work and showed the results. It was quite costly since the kickstarter, held around the US election, did not make its fundraising goal. Still, we continued a number of experiments that include both large, medium and small format color materials that I am sure would be of interest and attractive to many people. Meanwhile, it was quite obvious to us that the black and white New55 PN, which was already improving, only needed three main changes (this is before pods became one of them) to get to a very good and consistent state. The mask has a high tooling cost to make and apply. The stop requires a tool and fixtures, and considerable engineering and the reagent we think can be fairly easily toned down so it will terminate within the two or three minute processing time, obviating the need to shield the negative. Even T55 would solarize if peeled in bright light and it is a balance of developer and solvent that brings the right amount of development of the negative and transfer to the receiver sheet, which we alone developed and make.

    If we got N55 PN to a better place, we theorized, we could pick up the color project again or keep it going in the background. Now you are "privy" to all the thoughts I have, Ed. Our group of volunteers remains interested in large format instant films and we are quite pleased at the results of our efforts.

  5. #15
    adelorenzo's Avatar
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    Re: New55 new Kickstarter campaign


    Just want to say thanks to you, Sam and everyone else involved here. It's obviously been a ton of hard work and passion to get to this point and I'm hopeful that things will continue to move in the right direction.

    I backed the first time and am now a backer of the second campaign. I've also shot a few boxes of the Atomic-X sheet film which I really like.


  6. #16

    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: New55 new Kickstarter campaign

    hi Bob -

    Thanks for sharing the details, and keep up the good work! Hopefully all the plans will come to fruition, esp. the solution to not having a pod supplier.


  7. #17

    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Houston, TX

    Re: New55 new Kickstarter campaign

    Some clarifications from 20x24 on Facebook:

    Toulcaz31: "We are considering forming a non-profit organization to champion large format instant photography and possibly offer a gateway to a new peel apart film." Are you basically announcing you will from now on compete with New55?

    20x24 Studio: We are not competing with New55.

    Toulcaz31: Thanks. Truly appreciated to get clarifications. Would you be able to comment why you had to stop providing the pods to them?

    20x24 Studio: They made it too difficult for us to take the time and resources away from our own production needs. We have supported New55 in many, many ways since the beginning. There are as always, two sides to every story.

    Toulcaz31: Ok thanks for the answer. New55 did not make any comment except mentioning that you will stop supplying. (last sentence was to reply to their "two sides to every story")

  8. #18
    おせわに なります! Andrew O'Neill's Avatar
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    Re: New55 new Kickstarter campaign

    I thought New55 had their own pod machine...

  9. #19

    Join Date
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    Re: New55 new Kickstarter campaign

    Nope they do not.
    Stupid questions deserve stupid answers.

  10. #20
    jp's Avatar
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    Re: New55 new Kickstarter campaign

    They deserve a bit of support for their machinery. It really resonates with me as a tinkerer.

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