It is a few years since I last bought Canada Balsam for recementing achromats. I still have enough for a few years, but it seems now to be unavailable. I have bought small bottles through hobby shops (Microscopy supliers ) and ebay before.

There are a few results for searches which show "reconsituted" canada balsam in zylene in North America, but none appear to offer postage. I have to believe this is due to the zylene content which has come under suspect as a carcinogen or for being an inflammable solvent.

I think the "real" Canada balsam is without the zylene thinner, but this seems no longer available.

Microscopy suppliers seem to gone over to an aqueous based product these days instead of the centuries old balsam product. However, this could be an easier product to work with lenses?

Anyone with special insight? I will not go over to short lifed Norland UV synthetics.