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Thread: Myths, I Need Some Updated Advice Please

  1. #11

    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    La Luz del Oeste, Albuquerque NM

    Myths, I Need Some Updated Advice Please

    A tip: Go to APUG.ORG's classifieds or
    and simply ask if anyone living within x miles (kilometers??) of your location has a 4x5 enlarger to sell.

    I purchased a Saunders VGGE from someone three hours away. Cost $250, including an old enlarging lens. Worth the drive to pick it up!!

    Many enlargers are sitting around because they are too bulky and somewhat finicky for shipping, and they languish, awaiting an opportunist!

    Welcome back!
    Peter Collins

    On the intent of the First Amendment: The press was to serve the governed, not the governors --Opinion, Hugo Black, Judge, Supreme Court, 1971 re the "Pentagon Papers."

  2. #12

    Join Date
    Dec 1997
    Baraboo, Wisconsin

    Myths, I Need Some Updated Advice Please

    Far fewer local camera stores than there were ten years ago, fewer still with much of a selection of film cameras, fewer than that with an inventory of black and white materials. That's partly due to the increasing popularity of mail order (though I guess there's a chicken-egg question there), also partly due to the fact that a few years ago Wolfe/Ritz went around buying up a whole bunch of good local stores all over the country and converted them to Wolfe/Ritz Camera stores, which are pretty much useless for what you want to do.

    Zone VI Studios, which 10 years ago was my favorite source for innovative products and quality photography equipment, was sold to Calumet and Calumet has pretty well wrecked it. Calumet is a good source but their prices for many things are higher than other places. FWIW my favorite New York mail order dealer is Adorama, my least favorite is B&H. My favorite used equipment dealer is MidWest Photo Exchange.

    Ten years ago Shutterbug magazine was the principal national source for used photography equipment. Today there are almost no classified ads in Shutterbug, it's function has been replaced and vastly expanded by eBay. Spend some time there in the camera and photo section and you'll see lots of great deals on darkroom and other film-based equipment. Stuff that sold for hundreds and thousands of dollars just a few years ago is going for peanuts today if it's going at all. You can pick up a great 4x5 enlarger with lenses and accessories for a couple hundred dollars, less if you're willing to pick it up, and why not spend a day or two on the road picking one up.

    The large format camera manufacturers that were around 10 years ago are mostly still around and there are some new (or at least more visible) ones (e.g. Ebony, Walker) though some models have been dropped and others added. However, if you have a Linhof Technika you probably aren't in the market for a new camera anyhow.

    Much more information on the web than there was 10 years ago, almost all manufacturers and retailers have web sites today, most are pretty useful, some are outstanding (Schneider comes to mind as one of the best in terms of information about its products).

    Kodak, Agfa, and Ilford have been having their troubles. Ilford just came through bankruptcy and it remains to be seen what happens. Agfa split off its film division to a new company only six or seven months ago and now the new company is in bankruptcy. Kodak has discontinued many of the more specialized films and papers it used to make and its troubles have been well publicized. OTOH, some smaller companies have sprung up to fill the gap (Bergger, Efke) and Kodak continues to make some of the films (TMax, TriX) and papers (Polymax Fine Art) you knew 10 years ago.

    Obviously digital is the present and future of photography, film and even more so darkroom is a niche today. I haven't been to an exhibit of contemporary photography in the last couple years that didn't include digital prints. The equipment, as well as the materials and their life-span, have vastly improved from what they were ten years ago and the old prejudice among galleries and collectors against digital is disappearing (except in the case of a few people who participate here : - )). However, the decline in the popularity of film based photography works to your benefit when it comes to buying used equipment and if you want to stick with film and darkrooms so much the better for you (as long as you don't mind the fact that you won't be seeing any new products and existing products for the most part have a questionable future).
    Brian Ellis
    Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you do criticize them you'll be
    a mile away and you'll have their shoes.

  3. #13

    Myths, I Need Some Updated Advice Please

    Hi Jim,

    I develop my B&W 4x5 stuff in home-made BTZS style tubes and trays. The tubes are easy to make, work well and keep chemical usage to a minimum. I then scan the negs on an Epson 4870 scanner and print them on a Canon S900 printer, although I'll be getting one of the new Epson R2400 printers in the next few months. My darkroom is a basement bathroom. The materials for the tubes and the trays and other equipment cost between $150 and $200 at Henry's and Vistek. The scanner and and an equivalent printer cost about $1000 together.

    If you're looking for an enlarger, Henry's Outlet Centre on Queen west of Church often has used 4x5 enlargers like Omega D2s for sale for reasonable prices.

    I'll bring one of my tubes in to work tomorrow. Yes, I work with you. Small world, eh?




  4. #14

    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    San Joaquin Valley, California

    Myths, I Need Some Updated Advice Please


    Lots of fun ahead! New films and papers from eastern europe to evaluate, 4X5 enlargers and enlarging lenses---really good lenses---going for cheap on the used market. Heck, theres even the trinity---D76, Dektol and Tri-X still available. Even Rodinal is still around and Ansco 130 is available Photographer's Formulary. As you've discovered, the local camera store probably isn't interested in stocking 5 grades of FB enlarging paper anymore, but there are a variety of materials out there you can mail order and most establishments I've done business with are very good. Welcome to the niche market! There is a small group of merchants who want your business and mine and they've been pretty good at taking care of customers. A great time for traditional photography. Enjoy! You can get a D2 cheap enough and a Companon lens on eBay if theres nothing available in your immediate area. I picked up a Saunders four blade easel for $10 from a lab that was getting digitized so there are real deals out there. Try Ilford FP-4+ or Efke PL100 and Kentmere Bromide for starters. Have fun!
    "I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority"---EB White

  5. #15

    Join Date
    May 2005
    Ontario Canada

    Myths, I Need Some Updated Advice Please

    Jim, I got my 4x5 enlarger from KHB Photographix in Mississauga. It is used, and they put together a package of lenses for me -- great service. their phone number is 905 - 670-5166. I dealt with Peter.

  6. #16

    Myths, I Need Some Updated Advice Please

    Thank You EveryOne!!!

    I feel totally at home here on this forum, you all have been most kind to my basic questions, I truely appreciate this.

    All of your replies have been very very helpful, I have some amazing leads now and I almost feel dangerous again!!


    I have been participating on Wooworking forums now for about 8 years and I felt there had to be some forum out there that could help me with my quest to get back to LF fun.

    If it's permitted I would like to also mention a project I have been working on that can be found at the following URL

    Again, I look forward to participating and learning in this fine community,
    Take care,

    Jim Shaver
    Oakville, Ont

  7. #17

    Myths, I Need Some Updated Advice Please

    Jim, check out Fine Art Photo Supply. Their 4x5 film is similar to FP4+ so they say. I made ten exposures and developed for 8 min in D76 undiluted. Well I can`t find grain in a 8x10 with the 10x Pear magnifier. Tones are creamy smooth and speed is right on at 125.

    Best of all, it was $50 for 100 sheets. 1/2 the cost of tri x.

    By the way, I developed most on hangars and forgot one which I did in my 4x5 Nikor tank. Times are the same either way for D2 condendenser.

  8. #18
    tim atherton's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 1998

    Myths, I Need Some Updated Advice Please

    "Jim, check out Fine Art Photo Supply. Their 4x5 film is similar to FP4+ so they say. I made ten exposures and developed for 8 min in D76 undiluted. Well I can`t find grain in a 8x10 with the 10x Pear magnifier. Tones are creamy smooth and speed is right on at 125. "

    Only they don't sell it anymore because Ilford doesn't sell noname film to rebranders since their reorg....
    You'd be amazed how small the demand is for pictures of trees... - Fred Astaire to Audrey Hepburn blog

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