Yesterday was my second day out with the 4 x 5 and it was a nightmare.
I went to a beach with a bunch of dead trees. I found a fantastic spot but I had the wrong bellows on. So I had to walk back to the car and change the bellows. I then went back and got set up but this time I forgot the frigging loap that I left in the car. Back to the car got the lope Sandles covered in sh!t, wife bitching why it was taking so long and why my shoes are covered in shit. Anyway eventually I got the picture. Went back to the car packed everything ready for the next location, started the car and the dashboard lit up like a frigging Christmas tree with PSM faught, ABS fault, hand brake fault....... every frigging thing fault. I limped the car back to the garage 60 miles away and now I'm sat there while they are fault finding............ f@ck I need a beer........... picture to follow