So...last year I went to Portland (see below) around Christmas time and got some great advice, as always.

I'll Be Fine
by Johnathon Powers, on Flickr

Itching to go somewhere again this year, maybe for 5-6 days. I don't mind camping (an Eagle Scout and still camp when I can), or sleeping in the back of a rental car. I am not opposed to staying in a hostel or Airbnb too.

Really want to go to Yosemite at some point or maybe once in snow time and another in spring or fall. Not sure if Yosemite is a horrible idea in December or not.
Thought about getting a ticket to go spend a week in the Atacama Desert in Chile.

If international I would like to stay around $1k for a ticket. Hard with a short notice as this. Really want to go to Iceland at some point. But alas, once again maybe I plan it a bit better. Staying in the states obviously has it's advantages. But I was in France, Turkey, Rep of Georgia earlier this year so I am fine with traveling.

Also, please give me some advice not just locations. If you have experience of some place (bonus if in the winter time) that is appreciated. Thanks!!!

PS: Found out I can carry over vacation days (new policy this year), but I have a few I need to burn. So I could take a short trip 3-4 days and take advantage of holiday days, then something longer next year sometime.