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Thread: wildflowers

  1. #1


    Just got back from a six day tour of the desert in California and Arizona. The wildflowers are out in force in many places but not so good as forecast in others. Death Valley was as good as advertised (except for the weather--overcast). It was also full of people. I had to camp in the overflow lot. Flowers were mostly concentrated around Ashford Mill to the south. The flowers should still be good for awhile longer. Saw only one other large formatter, though. The poppy reserve in Antelope Valley was just starting to fire up. Some hillsides just outside it were great. Surprisingly (based on comments on the forum), the best wildflowers may have been at Joshua tree. An incredible of variety of flowers from Cholla Garden down to the south entrance. A few great fields of lupines as well. I got there just before the storm hit LA last week. Not very many people, either. On the negative side, much of Arizona is below par. Nothing at Organ Pipe and very little at either Saguaro park. Someone with an Ebony camera was at Saguaro East but I left quickly. Picacho Peak has some flowers but not outstanding. The best place was along the Apache Trail from Lost Dutchman and up the canyon. Lost Dutchman was a blast to photograph, particularly with my only good sunset of the trip. Also, a poppy field was exploding off one of the side roads off Rte 88 before Canyon Lake. Western Arizona and Lake Meade in Nevada was not bad either. Hopefully, got some good shots.

  2. #2


    Just back from Death Valley. Yup, a ton of people, disappointing weather. Just as an FYI: Zabriskie point is closed, Artists' drive is closed, and a few other minor side roads are closed as well. Flood damage has made these trails unsafe even for hiking, or so the rangers says.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    Thanks Derek - I'm not going to be out that way for a few more weeks, but hopefully there will still be something blooming.

  4. #4
    Robert A. Zeichner's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 1999
    Southfield, Michigan


    I plan to be in DV on Thursday, April 21st and Friday, April 22nd. This will be my 8th foray into this area. Anyone else planning to be there at that time?

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Feb 1999


    I'll be in the Texas Hill Country around Wimberley next week and am hoping to get some wildflower shots with my 4x5 outfit (if I survive TSA). Are there many flowers blooming during the last week of March?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Frisco, Texas



    You just might be a week, or ten days too early.

  7. #7
    David Vickery
    Join Date
    Oct 1998
    Texas, USA


    Dang Ben, What the heck is here in Wimberley to do??

    Actually, I saw some Bluebonnets out in force somewhere around here just the other day. There are plenty of other flowers out doing their thing as well, but I haven't paid real close attention this year. Should be a real good year for them things though, as we have had a little rain.
    Sudek ambled across my mind one day and took his picture. Only he knows where it is.
    David Vickery

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Feb 1999


    I was afraid that I might be too early, Eugene. My in-laws, who live in Wimberley, warned me of that, too. Maybe I'll find a few early bloomers.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Jun 2001


    The dandilions are starting to bloom in my front yard. From the looks of it, it's going to be quite a presentation. Boy if word gets out I'm going to have a real crowd control and parking problem. Of course I'll give the members of this forum and other large formatters first crack at the prime spots. I can see the mail box is going to be popular.


  10. #10


    Here is a link to a wildflower report. Click in the menu.

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