Hi All,

I'm setting up a color darkroom at the University of Nevada Las Vegas where I'm a first year graduate student. The school has a Fujimoto CP-51 and eight color enlargers. They used to have a color darkroom but got rid of it when digital took over the industry. But the equipment is still in great shape and the department is going to let me get the darkroom up and running again so that the students can learn analog color printing.

One problem is that I can't find the manual for the CP-51. Does anyone on this forum have one or know where I can find a pdf version online? I've been searching but have yet to find one. Also, if any of you have experience with the CP-51 I would appreciate any tips, information, suggestions, and warnings you have about setting up, running, and maintaining the processor. I want to try my best to make sure the machine runs well while I'm in charge of it so any advice is greatly appreciated. Same for setting up a color darkroom. Any tips are welcome. What color to paint the walls, ventilation, etc. And do you know where I can find spare parts for the machine if any are needed? I won't know until I try to get it running. Any recommendations for what color chemistry I should purchase?

Lastly, are there any large format photographers and/or printers in Las Vegas?

