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Thread: view camera magazine

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    view camera magazine

    My favorite how to article was the one where a small 4x5 field camera was made. I'd like to see more of that. Steve, there was one article about the guy who made a 7x17 camera and shot at a farm in Central California. How about an article on that camera's construction.

    How about an article on metering off the ground glass.

  2. #22

    Join Date
    Apr 2000

    view camera magazine

    a brief non esoteric article re how to match film with paper. For owners as well as non-owners of densitometers. I mean: how do you determine which paper matches best your chosen film?

    Of topic: as suggested by me before, an occasional issue devoted to or written by young L.F. photographers. Educational institutions could be approached for this purpose.

    Thanks for your efforts.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    view camera magazine

    I'd like to see more portfolios by people we've never heard of before.

  4. #24

    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Houston, TX

    view camera magazine

    I would like to second the suggestion for an article on mounting prints.

  5. #25

    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Phoenix, AZ

    view camera magazine

    How about an article, probably difficult to do, which would illustrate the differences between good negatives and bad for silver prints and platinum/paladium. I've only heard people TALK about it. I want to SEE it. And, as an article, it would become a great reference.

    I second the idea of articles/interviews with world class master photographers. Background about them, portrait, what they do (show examples), what drives them, where are they going, where do they think photography is going, what they recommend for newbies, etc.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2001

    view camera magazine

    how about articles on unorthodox subject matter and technique.

  7. #27

    view camera magazine


    First, I would like to thank you for coming to this forum and requesting input as to what participants would like to see included in future issues of your magazine. This is a really nice gesture on your part.

    From my perspective, I would like to see a regular column dealing with cutting edge aspects of large format or perhaps a "whats new in large format" article in every issue. I know you try to do this frequently, I am just suggesting a more organized and regular column particularly from various shows around the world where camera companies have displayed their latest wares as they relate to large format or manufacturers have come out with a new lens. At some point, you may wish to consider a "book review" corner where various books displaying photographs from large format photographers are "reviewed" from various esthetic and technical aspects.

    thank you for all the hard work,

    Dan Dumitru

  8. #28

    view camera magazine

    Steve, I wrote you once regarding this topic. It is getting down to recommending your book and forgetting the magazine as far as encouraging others to get into large format. Hardly anyone I run across gives a hoot about digitial large format. They are interested in shooting black and white and Velvia, and Polaroid films for proofing. They are interested in simple techniques and procedures, in seeing the portfolios and works of others, both new artists and past artists, in darkroom techniques and materials, paper comparisons, lens comparisons, camera comparisons, auxillary equipment like tripods, etc.. B&W is the only magazine I can recommend to anyone at this point.
    Although I am pleased you are exploring article options for View Camera, my first preference would be to rewrite your book and come out with a new edition. 5X7 could be added to the book and charts, not to mention some of the other formats that have returned to popularity, or some of the wide landscape formats. Darkroom processing techniques could be added, both old ones and newer ones, as well as every other aspect of view camera operations.
    Gosh, I guess I am calling for the new publication " The Encyclopedia of View Camera" or
    "The Complete View Camera". I hope you write it since your book is so well written, even though it could be more complete and thorough and a real reference.

  9. #29

    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    view camera magazine

    I have spent a lot of time lately researching lens choices for large format; 11x14 in particular. I would be interested in an article comparing lenses head to head; say for example, taking photos with a 24 inch Dagor, and comparing it to a new 600mmFuji lens, and also the new Cooke triple convertible, and throw in a Schneider or Rodenstock, or a Red Dot. This would be very interesting, and helpful from my perspective, and probably for many others. While you are at it you could answer the question once and for all if there is or is not a difference between the Dagor classic lenses and the Gold Rim or Gold Dot versions! In another 6 months I will probably have 3 or 4 of these lenses anyway, and end up doing the test myself (waitng for the Cooke lens backordered).

    People that seem to have a vast experience with lenses are Sandy King and Jim Galli; ask them to do an article. In addition ask Sandy King to do an article about his PyroCat deceloper; it seems to be becoming quite popular. Thanks,


  10. #30

    view camera magazine

    Hi there,

    How about 'Bellows making for dummies'?

    Just a thought.

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