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Thread: Confused about lensless photography and 4x5 camera

  1. #11

    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Re: Confused about lensless photography and 4x5 camera

    Haven't f295 forums been shut (or are at least slated to) ?


  2. #12
    Barry Kirsten's Avatar
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    Brookfield, Vic., Aust.

    Re: Confused about lensless photography and 4x5 camera

    Sadly f295 is no longer being maintained and presumably will die away, however people are still managing to post there. It is still possible to access the site and its marvelous archive.

  3. #13

    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Anglesey, North Wales, UK [53.3N 4.4W]

    Re: Confused about lensless photography and 4x5 camera

    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Kirsten View Post
    Sadly f295 is no longer being maintained and presumably will die away, however people are still managing to post there. It is still possible to access the site and its marvelous archive.
    I tried to register, but was informed that it was no longer possible - which means some of the infrrmation will not be available to me.

  4. #14
    Maris Rusis's Avatar
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    Re: Confused about lensless photography and 4x5 camera

    It is possible to see a ground-glass image using a pinhole. But you may not want to do it. With my Tachihara 8x10 camera I can see sunlit scenes at f600 by using a really light-proof focussing cloth and staying under it for upwards of a minute to let my eyes dark adapt. Holding the breath limits condensation on the ground-glass. When the sense of heat and suffocation becomes too much I have to get out and gasp for some blessed air.
    Photography:first utterance. Sir John Herschel, 14 March 1839 at the Royal Society. "...Photography or the application of the Chemical rays of light to the purpose of pictorial representation,..".

  5. #15

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    Re: Confused about lensless photography and 4x5 camera

    Using pinholes made from aluminum soda cans and a sewing needle, I can view the image on the glass with a wide angle field of view. The narrower the view the dimmer the image. Most of my pinholes wind up being about 1/2mm, so I measure from the glass to the pinhole in mm and multiply by 2 to get an approximate f-stop for calculating exposure. So far with B&W negative film I've done pretty good.

  6. #16
    Jim Jones's Avatar
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    Re: Confused about lensless photography and 4x5 camera

    Since much pinhole photography is done with the camera mounted on a tripod, Replacing the ideal pinhole with a larger one just for framing becomes practical with most large format cameras. The image with an oversize pinhole will be unsharp and dim, but perhaps adequate for framing. Replacing the pinhole with a suitable simple lens will provide a brighter and sharper image. Many such lenses are sold by Unlike a pinhole, this lens will require focusing. These lenses and extra pinholes can be mounted in lens boards. For many large format cameras, lens boards can be improvised from foam core or mat board. Two screw-in filters with the glass removed can be the basis of another way of changing pinholes. One filter is mounted to a lens board, and the other used to retain a disc with the pinhole centrally mounted. Also, a slide-in pinhole holder can be mounted to a lens board.

  7. #17
    Barry Kirsten's Avatar
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    Re: Confused about lensless photography and 4x5 camera

    Quote Originally Posted by tonyowen View Post
    I tried to register, but was informed that it was no longer possible - which means some of the infrrmation will not be available to me.
    No, you won't be able to register, but I don't see why the various threads and posts would be closed to viewing.

  8. #18

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    Re: Confused about lensless photography and 4x5 camera

    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Kirsten View Post
    No, you won't be able to register, but I don't see why the various threads and posts would be closed to viewing.
    The option to view the threads and post is very limited (ie can't open thumbnails) albeit some information is accessible

  9. #19

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    Anglesey, North Wales, UK [53.3N 4.4W]

    Re: Confused about lensless photography and 4x5 camera

    Quote Originally Posted by Maris Rusis View Post
    It is possible to see a ground-glass image using a pinhole. But you may not want to do it. using a really light-proof focussing cloth and staying under it for upwards of a minute to let my eyes dark adapt. Holding the breath limits condensation on the ground-glass. .
    Thank you for the GG solution - I have a very dense changing bag that I used to focus. While temperature is not a problem here in the northern hemisphere though claustaphobia might be.

  10. #20

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    Anglesey, North Wales, UK [53.3N 4.4W]

    Re: Confused about lensless photography and 4x5 camera

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Jones View Post
    camera mounted on a tripod, Replacing the ideal pinhole with a larger one just for framing becomes practical with most large format cameras. Two screw-in filters with the glass removed can be the basis of another way of changing pinholes. One filter is mounted to a lens board, and the other used to retain a disc with the pinhole centrally mounted. Also, a slide-in pinhole holder can be mounted to a lens board.
    Brilliant (pun intended) why are the obvious and simple solutions often missed.



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