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Thread: New ULF Camera sub-forum

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Asheville, NC

    Re: New ULF Camera sub-forum

    Quote Originally Posted by Steven Tribe View Post
    And many thanks for the appropriate action!
    I'm not a moderators moderate too much guy. I think they do a wonderful job. I respectfully disagree with this decision and would ask that it be reconsidered however. There are thousands of threads on our wonderful forum, if we added ULF image threads of nudes, landscapes, still life's, those few extra threads suddenly make the situation impossible and a form of insanity? We have a portrait thread for January, February,March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December EVERY YEAR, but one for ULF suddenly makes the site too hard to navigate? That is illogical. So as it stands now I can start a thread about the minutia of grain structure on my Ebony 20 x 24 but I can't post pictures with it and discuss the exponentially difficultness of depth of field so that someone interested in jumping into this field can easily find the nuisances of moving up in format outside of what trays to buy. There are many aspects to ULF work production some of which are gear oriented, many of which are not. A sub forum should be all inclusive and not so narrow in scope that others can't go to examples that are indicative of the formats they are drawn to. Over 600 views in a few short days of the ULF PORTRAIT thread says plenty of folks found it interesting enough to explore. That speaks volumes to me about its validity



  2. #12

    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Hamilton, Canada

    Re: New ULF Camera sub-forum

    Agree with Monty. People can figure out what's chaff or grain for themselves. No need to get your knickers in an ultra large knot.

  3. #13

    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Connecticut, USA

    New ULF Camera sub-forum

    Quote Originally Posted by Steven Tribe View Post
    The situation is becoming impossible!

    The ULF Camera section is being used for everything and anything to do with ULF, including DIY and FS!

    Please post a sticky to define exactly what ULF cameras and access. means!
    If the "tiny format" area can have its own image threads and such, I still don't see why the ULF area shouldn't be able to have its own as well, makes a lot more sense to have an ULF image thread than a tiny format image thread on a LF forum.

    And with the lenses argument, you can use a 90mm SA lens on a 35mm SLR with a bellows adapter, but you're still going to call that LF and list it in the LF section. So why would a lens like a 35" petzval or 1100 XXL Art lens be listed under LF when clearly the majority of users will be ULF users, not 4x5 users... So I still don't see why there shouldn't just be a TOTAL ULF sub-section with all the various lens and equipment and image sharing all in its own area.

    BUT I'm glad there is a new ULF section at all, don't get me wrong, I just personally think that keeping it so specific to only camera and accessories which is only part of the ULF arena limits the usefulness of the area.

    In other words, I think I'm with Monty...

  4. #14
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Dec 2011

    Re: New ULF Camera sub-forum

    Quote Originally Posted by Monty McCutchen View Post
    I'm not a moderators moderate too much guy. I think they do a wonderful job. I respectfully disagree with this decision and would ask that it be reconsidered however. There are thousands of threads on our wonderful forum, if we added ULF image threads of nudes, landscapes, still life's, those few extra threads suddenly make the situation impossible and a form of insanity? We have a portrait thread for January, February,March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December EVERY YEAR, but one for ULF suddenly makes the site too hard to navigate? That is illogical. So as it stands now I can start a thread about the minutia of grain structure on my Ebony 20 x 24 but I can't post pictures with it and discuss the exponentially difficultness of depth of field so that someone interested in jumping into this field can easily find the nuisances of moving up in format outside of what trays to buy. There are many aspects to ULF work production some of which are gear oriented, many of which are not. A sub forum should be all inclusive and not so narrow in scope that others can't go to examples that are indicative of the formats they are drawn to. Over 600 views in a few short days of the ULF PORTRAIT thread says plenty of folks found it interesting enough to explore. That speaks volumes to me about its validity


    Well seen
    Tin Can

  5. #15

    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: New ULF Camera sub-forum

    The FS in the new ULF Camera thread was from Jim Fitz. I thought the pre-start carbon camera idea was in exactly the right category.

    There are merits in having a wider based ULF section, like the small format section, but the concensus in the mods was for a restricted hardware section.

    I have 15x12", 30x40cm and 24x30cm cameras and I personally agree with the hardware decision. But I think the present differentiation between LF and ULF is a very strange one and would prefer a split between cameras around 4x5" and anything larger that can have "stand alone" contact prints.

  6. #16
    Moderator Ralph Barker's Avatar
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    Rio Rancho, NM

    Re: New ULF Camera sub-forum

    The structure of the forum has an underlying logic to the separation of topics. The new ULF Cameras and Accessories sub-forum needs to conform to that logic.

  7. #17

    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: New ULF Camera sub-forum

    Quote Originally Posted by Ralph Barker View Post
    A new sub-forum has been created for Cameras - ULF (Ultra Large Format) and Accessories. We're using a diagonal of 13" or larger as the "ULF" criteria. Lenses remain as a single sub-forum, as ULF-capable lenses may also be required for non-ULF formats when extreme movements are employed.
    Nothing short of revolutionary!

  8. #18

    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: New ULF Camera sub-forum

    Looking much better now - apart from the ULF build threads have been moved there from DIY!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ralph Barker View Post
    The structure of the forum has an underlying logic to the separation of topics. The new ULF Cameras and Accessories sub-forum needs to conform to that logic.

  9. #19

    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: New ULF Camera sub-forum

    Quote Originally Posted by Ralph Barker View Post
    The structure of the forum has an underlying logic to the separation of topics. The new ULF Cameras and Accessories sub-forum needs to conform to that logic.
    Well said! You nailed it down!

  10. #20
    Steve Sherman's Avatar
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    Mar 2002
    Central Connecticut

    Re: New ULF Camera sub-forum

    Rectangle ULF OK ??

    Real photographs are born wet !

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