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Thread: Future of graded papers?

  1. #1

    Future of graded papers?

    The future of our sheet films has been much discussed in recent threads, but little attention has been given to the papers used by the wet darkroom printer. Perhaps because many now are using non-darkroom technologies. Personally, I'm quite happy with my enlarger and chemicals but I can't help being more than a little apprehensive about the continuing supply of my favorite papers, particularly the graded ones.

    Any informed guesses? By brand, by graded or variable contrast, by single or double weight, by size, by cool or warm tone, etc.?

    Thanks in advance,


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Future of graded papers?

    I do not have an answer, but share your concern. I prefer graded papers myself, and assume that as papers begin to disappear, graded will go first. I think it is fair to assume that manufacturers will phase out papers based on popularity and inventory issues (graded papers require larger inventoies): graded first, VC fiber next, VC RC last.

    I think that paper may disappear faster than film because it seems that people are continuing to shoot film and then scanning negs and chromes for digital printing.

    This is all conjecture, of course.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    San Joaquin Valley, California

    Future of graded papers?


    Do you like to contact print?
    1. Keep buying AZO from Michael and Paula and they'll keep after Kodak to make some more.
    2.Learn to coat your own 'alternative' paper(hey, its fun to learn new things!)

    Do you make enlargments?
    1.Keep buying your favorite paper---do your part in letting the manufacturers know theres a market.
    2.Keep a generous supply of the stuff in your fridge
    3.Buy a larger camera and start making contact prints!

    Graded fiber base papers have been disappearing for as long as I've been messing about in the dark room, but there always seems to be someone somewhere making the stuff, so I don't let it stress me anymore when I hear that my 'brand' has been discontinued(besides, thats what fridges are for)

    When people tell me that 'traditional photography' won't be around forever, I like to remind them that niether will we.

    "I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority"---EB White

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    Future of graded papers?

    The good stuff is already gone. Medalist, Illustraters Special, Portriga Rapid, etc. Paul Strand once said (back in the '20s) that every time he found a material he liked, they discontiued it. Nothing new there!
    Wilhelm (Sarasota)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Frisco, Texas

    Future of graded papers?

    Hi Nicholas,

    About twenty years ago, I was informed by people who were knowledgeable that if I wanted to print with fiber based paper, I had better learn to print with variable contrast papers, or else (At that time, I no longer used RC paper for my fine prints). I took their advice. After a short period of time, I found that I did not miss my favorite graded papers that had already disappeared from the dealer's shelves. The fiber based variable contrast papers that are readily available today are every bit as good as the fiber based graded papers of yesterday. I'm surprised that graded papers are still around today. (see: Alan Ross' remarks regarding VC fiber based papers on his website).

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