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Thread: Platinum/Palladium printing.

  1. #1
    Landscape Addict
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Brisbane, Australia

    Platinum/Palladium printing.

    I've recently been taking a strong interest in Alternative, contact printing methods. I'm planing to get a 7x17" in the not too distant future, and with that in mind, I got into practicing doing contact prints of my 4x5" and 6x17cm negs. Whilst this has been fun, and I've enjoyed the process, obviously, the size of the prints makes them a little less interesting to me, but also, I find the light sensitive paper hard to work with as I don't have a dedicated dark room, rather, I convert my 2nd bathroom at night time when required.

    I saw a short YouTube clip of Platinum printing and I think that's for me... I love the look of too much sensitizer spread outside the image borders, love the idea of being able to control tone and contrast easily, not to mention the dmax. Mostly, I love that its largely a lights on process..

    The Issues...

    I am yet to find a good "Beginners Guide" to Pt/Pd printing.
    I am unsure of exactly what I need (with regards to equipment, and chemistry)
    I have no idea where in Australia I would acquire the chemistry/raw materials required.

    Once I get those few things out the way I would love to give it a go with some 4x5" negs I have handy, then obviously scale it up once I get my grubby mitts on a 7x17"..

    I'd love to hear thoughts from Pt/Pd print makers, information on requirements and also, I'd love to see links to some prints done with different mixes to get a feel for the look of different mixes..

    Thanks in advance.
    Chamonix 045N-2 - 65/5.6 - 90/8 - 210/5.6 - Fomapan 100 & T-Max 100 in Rodinal

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Czech Republic

    Re: Platinum/Palladium printing.

    Before platinum printers chime in I'd just say - don't overlook kallitypes!
    Website of sorts, as well as flickr thing.

  3. #3
    Landscape Addict
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Brisbane, Australia

    Re: Platinum/Palladium printing.

    Haven't even looked into that yet... Do they have a similar look as platinum (as in, sensitizer painted onto paper, negative contact printed onto that) That particular look is what I'm really going for.. It just looks so raw... so real.. tangible if you will.. Its a look that basically says "I made this with my bare hands" Very warm and intimate as opposed to looking at an inkjet print or even silver gelatin prints...
    Chamonix 045N-2 - 65/5.6 - 90/8 - 210/5.6 - Fomapan 100 & T-Max 100 in Rodinal

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Czech Republic

    Re: Platinum/Palladium printing.

    Well, the basic process is very similar - home-mixed chemicals, hand coated paper - just the chemicals are different (silver-based and therefore much much cheaper) - and you can tone the prints with gold or indeed with Pt / Pd salts for very similar tone - but the overall costs - especially when learning the whole thing - are much lower.
    Website of sorts, as well as flickr thing.

  5. #5
    lab black
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Los Angeles

    Re: Platinum/Palladium printing.

    There are numerous books and manuals available that can get you started. I highly recommend "Platinum and Palladium Printing" by Dick Arentz. Volume two is the newer version. If you can not locate one online, you may be able to obtain one by directly contacting Dick. His contact information is on his website. You may also want to take a look at the Bostick and Sullivan website. They sell most of the items that you might need to get started. Craig Tuffin is a remarkably talented and knowledgeable Pt/Pd craftsman in Australia. You may want to contact him either through this forum or his website.
    "We work in the dark, we do what we can, we give what we have."
    Henry James

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Aug 2000

    Re: Platinum/Palladium printing.

    A palladium toned kalitype is chemically indistinguishable from a palladium print at far less cost.
    After more than 20 years of teaching a large variety of alternative processes I make the following suggestion.

    If you have not done alternative prints of any kind I suggest you begin with something far cheaper until you gain some experience. Van Dyke Brown produces beautiful prints at about 1/10 the cost of palladium. It can be done in any space without fluorescent or daylight. It is easier to see the coating as you apply it and the printing times are reasonable. Additionally it requires a negative with about the same tonal scale as palladium.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Melbourne, Australia

    Re: Platinum/Palladium printing.

    Alex go to goldstreet studios web site, Ellie had all the gear you need to start pt printing.
    Cheers Shane

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Mar 1998

    Re: Platinum/Palladium printing.

    I would encourage anyone starting out to try kallitype printing. It is very similar process but with silver nitrate rather than platinum/palladium (Pt/Pd). Combining Pt/Pd will run $7.00 US per 8"X10" in chemicals alone, and pure Pt around $11 US per 8"X10". I have done what Jim suggests and toned kallitypes with Pd and have been pleased with the results. Same ritual - brush on the developer, dry, expose, develop.

  9. #9
    Landscape Addict
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Brisbane, Australia

    Re: Platinum/Palladium printing.

    I think I will give Cyanotypes a go to start with to get the ritual down pat then move to PT/PD once i have the process down and know what to expect from it... I've got the chems I need for cyanotypes so I'll give that a go with one of my more contrasty 4x5 negs later this week / weekend and see how I go, try to perfect the painting and exposure phases, then its just a matter of getting the 7x17" camera and making real prints! pretty excited about it all..
    Chamonix 045N-2 - 65/5.6 - 90/8 - 210/5.6 - Fomapan 100 & T-Max 100 in Rodinal

  10. #10
    David Schaller
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Williamstown, MA

    Re: Platinum/Palladium printing.

    Good plan. You should also try different papers with the cyanotype as you're learning. Getting used to handling wet paper is a big part of alternative processes.

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