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Thread: Most congenial forum?

  1. #1

    Most congenial forum?

    So far APUG is looking pretty good but from my experience this forum is about as hospitable as any forum on anything on the net. I am beginning to wonder why.

    My wife’s show dog forum comes to verbal blows regularly and even her fancy goldfish forum isn’t immune from harsh words and tangents.

    So…why do you guys (and gals) think you are so nice?

    I am, male, 55 years old, type A personality, but tend to try to follow the rules when posting. Do we tend to stick to data instead of opinions? Are there just fewer of us? What gives?

    Could it be something about the contemplative nature of large format that allows us to get along?

  2. #2
    Resident Heretic Bruce Watson's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    USA, North Carolina

    Most congenial forum?

    I think you might have hit on it. The "contemplative nature" of large format photography. That is, we think about what we are doing. We've trained ourselves out of knee jerk reactions (which was hard in my case having been trained to use a motor drive covering football and basketball for the local paper ;-)

    Same way most of us, I think, make postings on this forum. We tend to think about what the poster wants to know, decide whether or not we have anything meaningful to contribute, and act accordingly.

    Whatever it is, it's working and I'm thankful Tuan and company are providing access, and I'm thankful for everyone's contributions.

    Bruce Watson

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Most congenial forum?

    When everybody is armed with a six pound tripod you learn to behave?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Frisco, Texas

    Most congenial forum?

    Hi Neal,

    The people that participate on this forum have an un-written agreement to perpetuate the forum for as long as possible. We realize that disagreements are perfectly normal and, for the most part, intellectually stimulating. However, we also realize that petty arguments and name calling will destroy a forum very quickly. We understand that just because we were able to argue the other person down, doesn't necessarily mean that we won the argument.

    This is a place to come to learn and to pass information along to others freely, without putting the other person down for asking for that information, no matter how mundane the question.

    Large format photography is slowly fading out of the picture (pardon the pun). We are all in the same boat, and we need to help each other to survive and perpetuate this wonderful way of expressing our artistic capabilities.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    San Francisco

    Most congenial forum?

    I suspect that part of it has to do with our being a group of (relatively) older folks.

  6. #6
    bob carnie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Toronto, Ontario,

    Most congenial forum?

    I found this site and APUG at about the same time, I am constantly amazed at the breadth and knowlege on both forums. These two sites are a great resource for information and as such I think everyone tries not to p.. in their own backyard. I do not agree with a lot of posts on both sites but love to hear all the arguments from both sides, this is where I learn alot of new info.
    Also when someone puts a link in their post I follow the link and voila. a new source of supplyer of information.
    I like both these sites tremendously, as my prints are fixing or washing I log on and see what is up , gets very addictive

  7. #7
    Whatever David A. Goldfarb's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2000
    Honolulu, Hawai'i

    Most congenial forum?

    I would say that is more congenial even than the LF forum or APUG, but there's not much information about photography on the bass trombone forum, and this forum is rather weak on bass trombone info.

  8. #8

    Most congenial forum?

    It's the medication.
    "I meant what I said, not what you heard"--Jflavell

  9. #9

    Most congenial forum?

    Perhaps years worth of exposure to fixer has changed our brain chemistry to the point that we're incapable of sustaining an argument?

    More likely, I think, is that anyone with the patience to shoot LF for more than a week is likely to be, by nature, a patient person.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    Most congenial forum?

    Lest Ye Forget.... This Forum was actually created in controversy and dissatisfaction with the path taken after the old Greenberg(?) photonet changed hands. It still attracts a few old time dickheads like me and Dan Smith.
    Wilhelm (Sarasota)

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