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Thread: Generation V...a Group Show at the Ansel Adams Gallery

  1. #11
    Drew Wiley
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: Generation V...a Group Show at the Ansel Adams Gallery

    If I'm in the neighborhood I'll stop in specifically to see what Vaughn is up to, Ben .... But scuse me if I have a grudge again' them gallery folk... When thet wahr
    our backyerd, and I wuz a lil one, thet thar gallery had all kinda lil ceramic chipmunks etc set rat on the edges of the shelvin, jes so lil tykes like me would knock em
    off, and our daddy have to pay fer em, and pooor lil fellers like me might get a whoopin fer hit... an I did! Felt safer to put ones hands in the fate of mother nature
    and stand below a rockslide, appropriately named for some grand glacial epoch and not the V (5) XXXXX's on AA's Stetson, which was probably the real source of
    the Zone System. ... he could tell the intensity of the light by which "X" the shadow of his nose fell upon. That's why it got bent. In the southern hemisphere it would have ended up bent the opposite direction. "Follow the light" as they say.

  2. #12
    ROL's Avatar
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    Oct 2008

    Re: Generation V...a Group Show at the Ansel Adams Gallery

    I knew you were better than your first post, Drew. I guess you just ran out of flies to pull the wings off of. AA lamented the raft of ceramic curios sold at Best's and worked towards the establishment of a finer art establishment. It turns out visitors preferred commemorative knickknacks to fine art photography, paintings and sculpture. Not much has changed.

    FYI: It is news to me that the Coriolis Force*, apparent though it may be, also applied to light (or noses as I believe AA himself might have claimed, of his own crooked proboscis). Go figure.

    * Proof that once in a very great while, I actually do make it through a post by Drew.
    Last edited by ROL; 3-Apr-2014 at 18:25.

  3. #13
    Drew Wiley
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: Generation V...a Group Show at the Ansel Adams Gallery

    I haven't ever been in the southern hemisphere, but the closer I have gotten to the equator, the more things seem to read Zone V all the time, so that was a hunch on my part. Actually, my parents learned quickly and generally kept me from running inside Best Studio, as it was then called, while my older brother went in to look at the prints. He told me they were ten for $40 back then - though these were small and no doubt made by assistants for such sales purposes, and probably not by AA directly, but who knows. I never paid attention to AA until I was already doing LF color photography. I've always considered the Zone System to be just another tool, simple enough - but having spent having spent so much time in the high Sierra, instantly appreciated AA's sensitivity to the light, in a way probably only a few of us can. He got a bit theatrical at times, esp on some of his most famous shots, but nonetheless looked at things very thoughtfully and had a real poetic streak. I've taken less than half a dozen shots ever in Yos Valley, even though I lived near there - always preferred less crowded places. As you know,
    Ben, there are some section of that park with almost nobody around.

  4. #14
    Kirk Gittings's Avatar
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    Albuquerque, Nuevo Mexico

    Re: Generation V...a Group Show at the Ansel Adams Gallery

    Wow sounds great. Wish I could get there. Some fine photographers there whose work I have never seen in the flesh.

    at age 73:
    "The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
    But I have promises to keep,
    And miles to go before I sleep,
    And miles to go before I sleep"

  5. #15

    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: Generation V...a Group Show at the Ansel Adams Gallery

    What a great lineup. Wish I was on the left coast for that one. Have seen Vaughn's work - wonderful stuff. Congrats!


  6. #16

    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Pacifica, CA

    Re: Generation V...a Group Show at the Ansel Adams Gallery

    I remember touching some carved wooden nicknacks about the same time I stood in awe of The Tetons and the Snake River which I think was around $1,500 at the time ('78-'80). I daydreamed about buying it, and I would have. Except I was still in college.

    Instead I came home with my own photographs.

    I couldn't make it up today, had a visit to a gallery more local...

    But I'd like to make a trip up if I can before the show ends. If not, I am sure Vaughn, I'll get to see your next, or the one after that.

    I like the premise of the show, Generation V is a good moniker.

  7. #17

    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Re: Generation V...a Group Show at the Ansel Adams Gallery

    Congratulations Vaughn - gives me a good excuse to head up to the Valley!

  8. #18

    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Re: Generation V...a Group Show at the Ansel Adams Gallery

    Congratulations Vaughn on the show! There will be some outstanding work to see.

  9. #19
    Tri Tran's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Montreal , Canada. Los Angeles, California

    Re: Generation V...a Group Show at the Ansel Adams Gallery

    Congrats Vaughn. Hope all your prints will be sold out at the opening night .

  10. #20
    Vaughn's Avatar
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    Jan 2007
    Humboldt County, CA

    Re: Generation V...a Group Show at the Ansel Adams Gallery

    Quote Originally Posted by Tri Tran View Post
    Congrats Vaughn. Hope all your prints will be sold out at the opening night .
    Thanks! That would be nice...but it is not the usual art-mob hitting the Yosemite Valley openings that one finds in San Fran and elsewhere.

    I got to see the show last week -- always fun to see what prints were chosen to show. I might have chosen mine a little differently, but, again, that is what is fun. The show looks great. A couple of my prints are within spitting distance of one of AA's Half Dome images. Great company!

    The Art Mob is out tonight:
    "Landscapes exist in the material world yet soar in the realms of the spirit..." Tsung Ping, 5th Century China

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