I'm looking for direction to articles about retouching B&W film by using bleach.

I have a magazine from 2006. "B&W Master Printing Class by Master Photographer/Darkroom Printer Bruce Barnbaum" (from the publisher of Photo Techniques).

In this magazine, he has a lesson on "Correcting a Defective Negative via Traditional Methods." He has a negative of some sand dunes where a light leak from his film holder, or something, has left a kind of streak on park of his negative. He talks about using, "a glass of rather dilute potassium ferricyanide," which is what he also uses on prints.

I have no experience with bleaching and only discovered that this bleaching of negatives and prints exists the other month. Can I use normal household bleach? I don't know how to get these raw chemicals and I'd rather not have to mix anything too complicated. Everything search online shows me people bleaching instant film.

I'm asking because I have some 4x5 TXP that I've got a few leaks on. It was from a somewhat sketchy holder and some user error. I'd like to see if this bleaching could at all help my negative(s) and I'd also like to learn more about bleaching prints, presumably to open up highlights?

Thanks so much.