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Thread: Anyone in Los Angeles/Orange/San Bernardino County use a Linhof Technikardan 45/45s?

  1. #1
    Daniel Stone's Avatar
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    Anyone in Los Angeles/Orange/San Bernardino County use a Linhof Technikardan 45/45s?

    Hey all,

    I am looking at shooting just 4x5 for my LF needs going forward, and my two current cameras, a 5x7 Technika V, and a Panfield 4x5, I'd like to combine into one, single camera. The Technikardan seems to fit that bill perfectly. However, I don't want to put out money into ANOTHER camera, simply to try and resell it because it doesn't work.

    Does anyone here in the LA/OC/SanBernardino area happen to have a Technikardan I could look at/put my hands on/etc for a half hour or so, just so I could get a feel for it before deciding whether to invest into one or not?

    I'd happily buy you a cup of coffee, lunch, etc in trade, or just talk photography if you'd like


  2. #2
    Daniel Stone's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone in Los Angeles/Orange/San Bernardino County use a Linhof Technikardan 45/4

    I'm surprised !

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Palm Springs, CA

    Re: Anyone in Los Angeles/Orange/San Bernardino County use a Linhof Technikardan 45/4

    Hi Daniel,

    I have the Technikardan. You are smart in wanting to see the little quirks it has before buying. I've come to love working with mine. I'm out in La Quinta east of Palm Springs. If you want to head over this far, you're welcome to stop by and play with it, but you will be obligated to "talk shop" for a while. I always like to hear what other LF photographers are doing.


  4. #4
    Unwitting Thread Killer Ari's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone in Los Angeles/Orange/San Bernardino County use a Linhof Technikardan 45/4

    Daniel, it's a great camera, not without its quirks, as Dan points out.
    Bring all the lenses you intend to use with it, as changing from bag to normal bellows can be a curious exercise sometimes.
    There was a thread a few years back where a few of us who owned the TK were trying to get a hybrid, or universal bellows, made for the camera.
    Overall, a fine shooting experience, and a wonderfully versatile 4x5.
    If you have a choice, get the 45s; the zero-detents make a huge difference over the non-s 45.

  5. #5
    Daniel Stone's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone in Los Angeles/Orange/San Bernardino County use a Linhof Technikardan 45/4

    Quote Originally Posted by Ari View Post
    Daniel, it's a great camera, not without its quirks, as Dan points out.
    Bring all the lenses you intend to use with it, as changing from bag to normal bellows can be a curious exercise sometimes.
    There was a thread a few years back where a few of us who owned the TK were trying to get a hybrid, or universal bellows, made for the camera.
    Overall, a fine shooting experience, and a wonderfully versatile 4x5.
    If you have a choice, get the 45s; the zero-detents make a huge difference over the non-s 45.
    Thanks Ari(and Dan, I sent you a PM, Dan)!

    After messaging Bob Salomon, it seems Linhof redesigned some things with the 45S, so that's probably what I'll end up going for.
    Perhaps I'll contact Custom bellows in the UK and design up a "hybrid" set. I'm thinking a double-bag front end, with a regular 1/2 conical bellows in the rear portion. Frames would be customer supplied.

    I use a 72XL at the short end, and a 450C on the long end.


  6. #6
    Unwitting Thread Killer Ari's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone in Los Angeles/Orange/San Bernardino County use a Linhof Technikardan 45/4

    Daniel, you can focus your 72 and 450 using only the standard bellows, but the regular bellows won't allow for much movements with the 72, hence the need for a bag bellows.
    I had looked at mounting Chamonix's universal bellows to Technika frames, Hugo contacted Chamonix on my behalf, and they said they'd do it.
    The camera had to be sold soon after, so I never followed through.
    These are a few minor annoyances in an otherwise splendid camera.

  7. #7

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    Re: Anyone in Los Angeles/Orange/San Bernardino County use a Linhof Technikardan 45/4

    Quote Originally Posted by Ari View Post
    Daniel, you can focus your 72 and 450 using only the standard bellows, but the regular bellows won't allow for much movements with the 72, hence the need for a bag bellows.
    I had looked at mounting Chamonix's universal bellows to Technika frames, Hugo contacted Chamonix on my behalf, and they said they'd do it.
    The camera had to be sold soon after, so I never followed through.
    These are a few minor annoyances in an otherwise splendid camera.
    Actually you can go much wider with the standard bellows then 72mm but not with movements. Fortunately changing bellows is very easy. Just lift up the two bellows retaking clips in front and back and they just slip in and out.

  8. #8

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    Re: Anyone in Los Angeles/Orange/San Bernardino County use a Linhof Technikardan 45/4

    It's a great camera. Definitely go for the newer S version, it's more than worth any difference in price. And be careful, since sometimes online and eBay sellers label the cameras incorrectly. You can see the small tabs for the center detents on the swing and tilts if you look closely. Also the front standard support is beefier on the S, but this can be harder to see in some photos.

    With the detents on the S version, it's fast to set up and really fast to work with in the field.

    Both the standard bellows and the bag bellows are amazing. The standard will focus with short focal lengths, but you can't get much movement, at least not rise/fall or shifts, with lenses shorter than 135mm or 120mm. I tend to use a decent amount of rise or fall, so with my 120 I need to switch to the bag bellows.

    Switching bellows is very easy and the Linhof bag bellows is a dream, it works perfectly.

    Custom Bellows did say they were able to make a hybrid similar to what you're talking about. I decided to just live with it. As I've spent more time shooting 4x5, I find myself switching lenses less often and it's just not that big of a deal. Other similar cameras like the Arca Swiss would have the same issue.

    The camera itself is portable, flexible and precise. I sold mine a while back but recently bought a new one since I missed it so much.

  9. #9

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    Re: Anyone in Los Angeles/Orange/San Bernardino County use a Linhof Technikardan 45/4

    I had several 45S, the only issue I had was with Polaroid or readyloads in horizontal position the L standard didn't provide enough support and the frame sagged slightly

    With regular holders this was never a problem

    Great camera, if I shot more 4x5 I'd choose it again

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