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Thread: Buying Used - the best revenge?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Buying Used - the best revenge?

    There is some camera equipment I want, which is nicely made, but I abhor the business practices of the manufacturer. Does buying used equipment deprive the manufacturer of all profits? Isn't that the best revenge?

    The counter being that if you want to help the manufacturer, you should only buy new gear. Buying something on eBay only canabalizes their future new sales - right? And other than hoping the customer purchases additional new accessories, or to build brand awareness, the OEM only supports that used equipment out of goodwill. Or am I missing something here?

    Morally, shouldn't we all be buying new Linhofs and Ebonies to help the parent companies survive the decline of film photography?

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Feb 1999

    Buying Used - the best revenge?


    I would love to be able to afford a new Linhof, Ebony or Canham and help keep those companies in business. Unfortunately, I haven't hit the Powerball yet, and I'm not a doctor, lawyer, dentist or other stripe of professional. I can't afford new equipment, which seems to cost in multiples of $1,000. Therefore, I must purchase or trade for used equipment (usually at Midwest Photo from kindly Jim). I lay awake at night thinking of what I can trade this or that for -- it helps me get to sleep.

  3. #3
    Photo Dilettante Donald Brewster's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    Malibu, CA

    Buying Used - the best revenge?

    Economically, buying second hand doesn't harm the manufacturer at all. In fact it creates a more efficient market by allowing those so inclined to reinvest in capital goods. It's the great circle of life as it were.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Frisco, Texas

    Buying Used - the best revenge?

    It seems to me that the only person making a profit from a transaction, new or previously owned, is the seller. If you like a particular brand item, purchase the best example of it, new or used, at the best price that you can obtain it. If you don't agree with the manufacturer's business practices, don't like the brand name, or country of origin, don't buy the item at all. That's what the competitive market place is all about. The manufacturer realized that the risk was there when he originally decided to design, build, and market the item.

    I don't understand the logic behind getting revenge on a manufacturer by depriving him of a profit. He made his profit when he originally made the item and sold it to a distributor. It could have been a Linhof, a Dorf, or a Graphic that he produced many years ago. If nobody purchased his goods, initially, the manufacturer would have been out of business. If you or I purchase an older previously owned piece of equipment, the manufacturer continues to profit by keeping his brand name alive.

  5. #5

    Buying Used - the best revenge?

    I agree with Donald. If a piece of equipment has a good strong secondhand price that is a plus point for buying new.

  6. #6

    Buying Used - the best revenge?

    Very nice point Michael, why must bother with so many questions that in the end don't amount anything. I buy what I need where I can get it and if the manufacturer decides that they aren't making enough money and quit; someone else will come along and fill the void. Companies like Bergger, Efke and Forte come to mind, the people making Cooke lenses etc. There will always be someone out there that will fill our needs if not for the money then just for the esthetic.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Ottawa, Canada

    Buying Used - the best revenge?

    Morally, shouldn't we all be buying new Linhofs and Ebonies to help the parent companies survive the decline of film photography?

    Sorry, remind me again what my moral obligation to those parent companies is?

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Buying Used - the best revenge?

    Revenge is probably the wrong word to have used. But if I don't "like" the company, should I still feel guilty about having their product in the house. For example, if buying a new Mercedes, in 1938, helped the Nazi party, that would be wrong. But would buying a used Mercedes be helping the company and the Nazi party? Or would it, in a way, be depriving Mercedes of a new sale?

    (This is only an example, I don't mean that Mercedes was ever associated with the Nazis, other than selling them stuff.)

    My own case excluded, where I've bought and sold too many view cameras, I think most people only buy one or two really nice, expensive cameras in their lifetime. And even if they are camera-holics, you usually don't sell one brand of camera and then go buy the same thing over again with the proceeds. Instead, most people switch brands for some percieved advantage.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    The "Live Free or Die" state

    Buying Used - the best revenge?

    Buying used will inderectly help the manufacturer. It will do this by keeping the used price higher. This will allow the manuafacturer to justify a higher new price. Also if you buy a used item it is off the market. The person who lost the ebay aution, for example, may then buy the same item new from the manufacturer, thus you have inderictly given them a sale. So, if you despise them, don't buy their products - even used.

  10. #10

    Buying Used - the best revenge?

    Revenge or not - if buying used meets your requirements, it's the responsible thing to do in the wasteful and over-producing economy we live in.

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