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Thread: Burning Man

  1. #11

    Join Date
    Feb 1999

    Burning Man


    dirty stanky hippies, bad music and bad art.

    no thanks,


  2. #12
    austin granger's Avatar
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    Portland, Oregon

    Burning Man


    I'm guessing you haven't been out there. Yes, there are some dirty stanky hippies, some bad music, and some bad art. However, there are also some pretty amazing individuals, some fantastic music, and some truly staggering works of art. Basically, there's representatives from the whole spectrum of creative society, with everything that entails...

    I've never met one person who was not totally blown away by Burning Man. Ever.

    If you change you mind, stop by The "Black Rock Biergarten" for a pint or three.

    Herr Granger

    P.S. I miss my Ducati...

  3. #13

    Join Date
    Feb 1999

    Burning Man

    dearest austin,

    can i brang a box of grenades?

    if not, thanks but no thanks,


    p.s. i've seen pix. believe me, i ain't interested. and no, i ain't never owned a chemical bros. album neethah, sad sheep. had a few kraftwerke, sure. seen genesis p'orridge und zee youth a way back when. the album leaf is good though, kinda soundtracky, sub pop. try 'em. go easy on the x there youngin. t'aint like the olden days.

  4. #14
    austin granger's Avatar
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    Burning Man

    Yeah, back in the olden days, you actually could have brought that box of grenades; my first year out there (way back in '95) there was a drive-by shooting range, where you could blow away Barney and other such stuffed targets. I'll never forget the sight of a guy on a motorcycle, totally naked save for his gun holster, riding past, blazing away at I can't remember what. Anyway, I guess the cost of an expanding civilization (in '95 there were around 2500 people-last year 30,000+) is increased regulation. Damn The Man!

    It's still worth going however.

    And yes, we'll be bustin' out some Kraftwerk in the ol' Biergarten. We also have some polka bands lined up. And lederhosen. And women in St. Pauli Girl outfits. And 12 kegs of beer. And two bottles of real-deal absinthe. And yes, even some large format cameras.

    You're missin' out.


  5. #15

    Join Date
    Feb 1999

    Burning Man

    i've had the real deal,

    i'm partial to anejo despite it. see, me and my buds do our own 'burning man' of sorts every year, since time immemorial too. we keep out the strays and by doing just that, keep it pure. no sponsors, no web nurds... all the guns a dozen guys can carry, homemade mortars that fire 20lb. hunks of pig iron, flame throwers... piezo-ignited potato cannons, class 3 exotic weps of every stripe. one clip of 10mm through an mp3 on 3 round burst beats dogshit outta yer overblown rave, buddy.

    trust me on that,


    p.s. upon yon gloaming, we smoke the chili bong, drank gin and are reborn.

  6. #16
    austin granger's Avatar
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    Burning Man

    Sounds like your friends and my friends would get along real good. See, we generally go out to Black Rock "off season" at least once a year to do similar to what you have described. Ever shot a propane tank? Let me tell you, they blow up very nicely. Also, a toy "supersoaker" filled up with gasoline makes for a terrific flamethrower.

    The Anejo is a given. I like the Hornitos myself.

    As for the wicked gin, none for me thanks. Had a bad experience once when I was a kid and it has never forgiven me.

    I wonder if any other large format folks are reading this; probably think they took a wrong turn somewhere...

  7. #17

    Join Date
    Feb 1999

    Burning Man


    sounds much more interesting than burnt mens. one of my bro's is a fed. he brings the most interesting weapons. truth be told, welp, i can't rightly tell the truth. last year, the shooting contest devolved into a flame fest. we used starter fluid spray cans(ether under pressure) at about ten feet as targets. our spot is quite cramped so we've concentrated on delivery systems to lob our larger payloads down river. interesting stuff you can do with clusters of model rocket motors. made what i called 'bigass' bottle rockets with d120 estes motors. the motor's recovery charge is a elegant way to ignite your payload.

    built my first flamethrower in 5th grade. one of those pump up bug-sprayers and a soup can holding a radshack micro torch as a pilot. set more fires than i could put out.

    SRL made a flourescent light tube launcher on a vid i seen once. powered by compressed air, i believe. i've got less than 90 days to come up with something cool. it's either that or build a shoulder-fired TOW-style. i built a few in junior high but over the counter model rocket motors got a lot bigger since those days. did cluster pipebombs too, way back when. clusters of 1" cold-rolled steel in 5 gallon buckets of cement. got any ideas fer a quickie? HE is out. but big firecrackers are doable.

    save yer money on burning man... invest in 4f black powder instead,


    p.s. hornitos is fine... patron too. the best stuff ain't got a label though. just that funky little baggy.

  8. #18
    austin granger's Avatar
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    Burning Man

    Wow. I have to admit I think you're a little out of my league as far as building creative weaponry. Truth be told, although I enjoy guns and such as much as the next guy, my primary role among my Burning Man friends is that of 'documentarian' (being the photographer of the lot).

    A comrade of mine is building what he calls the "Feur-Stein" this year (to go with our chosen biergarten shtick). Basically, it's exactly what it sounds like; a giant metal beer-stein that will shoot out balls of fire on our whim. I wish I could give you more technical info on how it operates, but as I said, it's not quite my realm.

    Anyway, as far as ideas go, I would guide you to the Survival Research Labs website ( but I'm guessing you've already been there...


  9. #19

    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Paris, France

    Burning Man

    Oh my God. I'll never buy another Bic lighter after reading all of this . . .

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