I recently acquired a Korona 12x20, and I must admit that the difficulty in transporting it more than about 100 feet from the car is turning out to be more limiting than I anticipated. I don't look forward to taking it out on a shoot, I just feel obliged to.

I'm pondering three different approaches to alleviating this situation.

1. I could get a handcart, but I would rather have something that lets me get away from the beaten path, even if only for a relatively short distance. And though practical, the idea doesn't really appeal to me.

2. I could get a custom backpack made. I'm a big guy (6'6", 230#), so this solution is a little more reasonable for me than for most people. But it still sounds kind of extreme.

3. I could give up on the 12x20, downgrading to the largest camera that I can backpack. I can backpack my 8x10 no problem, I could go bigger. This presumably means 11x14, as I find the dedicated panoramic cameras too limiting.

So, finally, to my question: does anybody backpack their 11x14, better yet, their 12x20? Best 11x14 to backpack?