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Thread: Wow teaching film is the bomb.

  1. #1
    Kirk Gittings's Avatar
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    Albuquerque, Nuevo Mexico

    Wow teaching film is the bomb.

    Its been years, maybe 12 or more, since I taught a beginning university level film class. I completely forgot about the thrill that kids get when they see their first negatives that they created with their own hands. Their enthusiasm has been a huge high for me as well. There is simply no equivalent high for students when I teach a digital class. Long live film-now an alternative process to most kids.

    at age 73:
    "The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
    But I have promises to keep,
    And miles to go before I sleep,
    And miles to go before I sleep"

  2. #2
    Analog Photographer Kimberly Anderson's Avatar
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    May 2009

    Re: Wow teaching film is the bomb.

    Yes. You. Hit. Nail. On. Head.

  3. #3's Avatar
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    Winona, Minnesota

    Re: Wow teaching film is the bomb.

    When we had a darkroom, students' prints were the worst I've seen in forty years. Why? Because they could not imagine spending as little time making a print as the digital camera students did.

  4. #4
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Dec 2011

    Re: Wow teaching film is the bomb.

    I am getting a of pressure from young people to get my darkroom done, unfortunately I work slow. I still use my bathroom darkroom.

    I was showing my progress to a 28 year old woman. She saw my chemical storage bottles and before I could stop her, she unscrewed the Stop and took a big huff.

    She explained it had been many years since she had smelled stop bath.

    She was disappointed I was using citric acid.

    I need to make her happy...

    I am an old fool.
    Tin Can

  5. #5
    Corran's Avatar
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    Apr 2011
    North GA Mountains

    Re: Wow teaching film is the bomb.

    I teach digital photography classes. I hate it with a passion. I think I'm quitting after the next class that starts tomorrow. It's just Continuing Ed. type classes.

    But, I pitched doing a film photography class to them. I was going to donate a bunch of darkroom gear I had got for nothing off craigslist. I was going to provide 35mm cameras for anyone who needed them. I was going to do everything, and I had a ton of initial interest (I always get a ton of questions and interest when I'm out shooting in public, and many said they'd either like to shoot film again or try it for the first time in the case of younger folks). But the program coordinator would have nothing of it.

    A friend, who is an excellent LF photographer and MFA holder, who knows most of the folks doing the best work in higher-ed, wants me to get an MFA so I could give a go to teaching photography at a university. Your post reminds me that I really do like teaching upper-level students! But I already have 3 degrees and a decent position so I probably won't be going back to school to switch career paths...
    Bryan | Blog | YouTube | Instagram | Portfolio
    All comments and thoughtful critique welcome

  6. #6
    Kirk Gittings's Avatar
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    Albuquerque, Nuevo Mexico

    Re: Wow teaching film is the bomb.

    Good comments. Corran, I don't know how old you are. IMHO, right now unless one is 21, an MFA doesn't make much sense. I did it when I was 28 (35 years ago). It made sense then and works for me now as it opens some academic doors, but if I did it now I could not recoup the costs before I croak.

    at age 73:
    "The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
    But I have promises to keep,
    And miles to go before I sleep,
    And miles to go before I sleep"

  7. #7
    Corran's Avatar
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    North GA Mountains

    Re: Wow teaching film is the bomb.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirk Gittings View Post
    I did it when I was 28.
    I'll turn 28 in a couple of months actually
    Yeah my #1 concern would be costs. I wouldn't do it ever if it wasn't at least 90% paid for. My Master's in Music was received without a penny spent, + a living stipend. Good times.

    I've already had some doors closed to me because of my lack of a piece of paper. Or rather, a lack of one that says Fine Arts.
    Bryan | Blog | YouTube | Instagram | Portfolio
    All comments and thoughtful critique welcome

  8. #8
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Re: Wow teaching film is the bomb.


    You are still young, just get a damn MFA in anything as cheaply and easily as possible. A lot of schools only hire full time with MFA.

    Unfortunately for me, I was mechanic foreman all my life and constantly taught technicians to operate fancy and very expensive materials testing equipment, but I was never a 'Teacher.'

    Stupid me went to college as an old adult, starting at junior college and ending up with 2 MFA's. I was hoping to switch careers when I was made redundant. Sure enough, I was put to pasture at age 58, five years ago.

    Nobody will hire me as a teacher in any field. My 30 years of high tech automotive top level manufacturing expertise and laboratory experience absolutely worthless. My 2 MFA's also useless.

    I retired, way too early, and with way too little income. I will be OK.

    But mainly, it seems a waste of experience that the young can never learn from me.

    My fool darkroom may be the only good thing I can do.

    Frustrated, to be old and in the way.

    Quote Originally Posted by Corran View Post
    I teach digital photography classes. I hate it with a passion. I think I'm quitting after the next class that starts tomorrow. It's just Continuing Ed. type classes.

    But, I pitched doing a film photography class to them. I was going to donate a bunch of darkroom gear I had got for nothing off craigslist. I was going to provide 35mm cameras for anyone who needed them. I was going to do everything, and I had a ton of initial interest (I always get a ton of questions and interest when I'm out shooting in public, and many said they'd either like to shoot film again or try it for the first time in the case of younger folks). But the program coordinator would have nothing of it.

    A friend, who is an excellent LF photographer and MFA holder, who knows most of the folks doing the best work in higher-ed, wants me to get an MFA so I could give a go to teaching photography at a university. Your post reminds me that I really do like teaching upper-level students! But I already have 3 degrees and a decent position so I probably won't be going back to school to switch career paths...
    Tin Can

  9. #9
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Dec 2011

    Re: Wow teaching film is the bomb.

    '...a lack of one that says Fine Arts.'

    Music is a Fine Art!
    Tin Can

  10. #10
    Kirk Gittings's Avatar
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    Mar 2004
    Albuquerque, Nuevo Mexico

    Re: Wow teaching film is the bomb.

    Quote Originally Posted by Corran View Post
    I'll turn 28 in a couple of months actually
    Yeah my #1 concern would be costs. I wouldn't do it ever if it wasn't at least 90% paid for. My Master's in Music was received without a penny spent, + a living stipend. Good times.

    I've already had some doors closed to me because of my lack of a piece of paper. Or rather, a lack of one that says Fine Arts.
    Yes mine cost me zip except effort and time. I had a complete full ride plus housing and a stipend plus teaching assistantships plus grants. It was like I died and went to heaven-but that was Canada in the early 80's-huge support for graduate education.

    at age 73:
    "The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
    But I have promises to keep,
    And miles to go before I sleep,
    And miles to go before I sleep"

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