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Thread: Source for hardware for building LF cameras?

  1. #1

    Source for hardware for building LF cameras?

    Anyone have a source for the hardware to build a camera? Tripod sockets, lensboard clips, etc.

  2. #2
    Eric Woodbury
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Source for hardware for building LF cameras?

    I've made 4 cameras now, and have used t-nuts for tripods holes and made the lensboard 'clips', etc. The only thing I had to find was the springs for the back. For this I found a camera and took the springs off (and used the ground glass frame once, too). This is a good approach, to find an old beater and take the hard to make parts. The other source is to buy parts from a repair department.
    my picture blog

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Harbor City, California

    Source for hardware for building LF cameras?

    Very many years ago, maybe from the 1880's to the 1920's, you could buy complete hardware sets, all the metal pieces needed to build a camera. Alas, no more. Some professional as well as amateur camera makers used such sets.

    Some websites you might, or might not, find useful are:,,,

    If you find something you want at the mcmaster site, there are some companies that claim to sell all the same items at discount. You can find them by searching for carr mcmaster.

  4. #4

    Source for hardware for building LF cameras?

    Whal, first off you can talk to Yvon over at Aletta Photo. I believe he says he has A lot of the parts to build cameras. He also has a nice book that I bought and built my 4x5 from his plans. His book also has a list of resources in it. You can contact Yvon at

    I bought brass threaded inserts from Reid Tool ( They also have knobs and other fasteners.

    The biggest general industrial supplier seems to be MSC Direct. Their Web site is a bit hard to get around in but I think they have everything INCLUDING the kitchen sink

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Source for hardware for building LF cameras?

    Aren't tripods just normal 1/4" hardware? That's fairly common jig hardware if it is.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Mar 2000
    Rockford, Illinios

    Source for hardware for building LF cameras?

    Robert, Eric,

    Try This is a truly extraordinary resource.
    Search on: "spring-tempered stainless steel," to find material for your back springs.

  7. #7

    Source for hardware for building LF cameras?

    In another post, Calamity Jane mentioned windshield wipers. Running down the sides of many wiper blades (in the rubber) is a wonderful piece of flat stainless steel. Perfect for making springs, spring hooks, picks, and lots of other stuff. And the price is right.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    Source for hardware for building LF cameras?

    Try for racks and pinions, bearings, springs, nuts, bolts, and millions of other things you never knew you needed. They have all sorts of stuff in steel, aluminum, brass, copper, delrin (plastic), etc.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Sweet, ID

    Source for hardware for building LF cameras?

    Micro Fasteners for very small screws (#0, #1, #2) in standard slot (brass only though). Caswell Plating ( for small non-electric chemical kits to nickel plate brass screws and other brass parts if you want that old fashioned silver look.
    The only trouble with doin' nothing is you can't tell when you get caught up

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