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Thread: Embargo on...

  1. #11
    Jean-Louis Llech
    Join Date
    Apr 1999
    Beauvais - Picardie - France

    Embargo on...

    Thanks a lot, Nick. The third one (AcuAngle ® Angle Level)seems rather interesting.

  2. #12

    Embargo on...

    In not shipping by air, the vendor is following govenment regulations. The authorities in most countries, such as the FAA in the US, ban the shipping of magnets by air. I don't know the exact regulations, but it is very common to see in catalogs that an item with a magnet can't be sent by rush shipping -- the reason is that rush shipping involves air transportation. This is not a new regulation since 2001. The authorities are in fact concerned that a magnet might disrupt the electronics on an aircraft. It is probably excessive not to ship small magnets, but on the other hand the conseqeunces could be very severe.

    I don't understand their refusal to ship the item by ocean. Perhaps the vendor doesn't want to go to the effort of ensuring that some export packages are marked "do not air ship", or perhaps in the past they have received complaints of lateness, even though the customer selected surface transportation.

  3. #13

    Embargo on...

    By looking at the "Acu Angel" I realized that my compass offers the same clinometer function as an add on. It is a 'Ranger 15 TDCL' made by Silva (Sweden). You should get it in any shop for outdoor equipment for about 40 EUR.

  4. #14

    Join Date
    May 2000
    Tamworth, Staffordshire. U.K.

    Embargo on...

    Jean-Louis I'm in the U.K. and I use a Mitsutomo Level + Angle Finder in one of my local hardware shops, it works for me. It could have been B & Q or Homebase. Mark, do not assume that those of us who live in the U.K. have your hangups. Pete

  5. #15
    Beverly Hills, California
    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    Beverly Hills, CA

    Embargo on...

    Alls I want is to be treated kindly next time I visit France.

  6. #16
    Jean-Louis Llech
    Join Date
    Apr 1999
    Beauvais - Picardie - France

    Embargo on...

    I think that your explanations about air security are probably the right ones.
    That's what I answered after the salesman cancelled my order, as I considered that these regulations were maybe a bit excessive. (Of course, I can't tell exactly where does a hazardous magnetic level begins.)
    I would have accepted such an explanation if it has been given to me as you did. Totally different from "it is what it is".
    What concerns sea transportation, I have no answer, nor they did.

    Martin, are you sure the Silva Ranger 15 TDCL has a pendulum or plumbing weight device ?
    Maybe am I wrong, but I am not sure that this compass corresponds exactly to accurate levelling needs.

  7. #17

    Embargo on...


    it is hard to see on the pic, but the compass includes in fact two instruments. A plain compass and a clinometer working according to the same principle as the "Acu Angel". I guess the precision is at least equivalent to the other tools mentioned above. And you should definitively find this compass somewhere in Paris...

    Check "Probablement la boussole la plus utilisée dans les expéditions à travers le monde ! Large miroir de visée, patins en caoutchouc antidérapants adhérants à la carte, et échelles en mm/pouces de 1 :25e et 1 :50e. Le modèle RANGER 15TDCL comporte un réglage de la déclinaison et un clinomètre pour la mesure d'angles verticaux.

    N° Art. 34896 RANGER 15 T

    N° Art. 34917 RANGER 15 TDCL"

  8. #18
    Format Omnivore Brian C. Miller's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 1999
    Everett, WA

    Embargo on...

    I bet if you ordered a compass from the US they wouldn't complain. But a small magnet? Oooh, those cheap Cracker-Jack compasses on a Boeing jet could be thrown off! Then the pilots would have to call for help with a penny whistle! You should see what they go through when the rubber band that works the propeller breaks, and then they have to pedal.

    Anyways, the Suunto clinometer on its compass measures from 0-90 degrees. The clinometer itself is a little needle which points down, via gravity. Just turn the main dial so the needle 0 lines up with N-S, then press it to the side of your camera. If you still have questions, I recommend you seek out some of France's mountaineers, like Maurice Herzog. They'll gladly show you how it works, and you could get a mountain tour, too: from the vertical side of the mountain! Hope you like heights.....
    "It's the way to educate your eyes. Stare. Pry, listen, eavesdrop. Die knowing something. You are not here long." - Walker Evans

  9. #19

    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Embargo on...

    It wouldn't suprise me if the magnet issue is not related to aircraft. Aren't magnets used in some ways to enrich uranium? Either the law restricting the export of the stuff was written too broadly or somebody decided the hassle of getting approval to export the stuff wasn't worth the effort. Notice the quote

    " We do not ship this item when the final destination is outside the United States."

    Forget confusing the pilot. The things are too dangerous to put on a truck to Canada or Mexico.

  10. #20

    Embargo on...

    LOL...for $17.40 you want this guy to go look up shipping regulations so that he can give you a satisfying explanation? I kind of understand the shipper, he is following regulations, you have a problem with that, write the US goverment. I can certainly understand that given the profit/hassle ratio, they are glad to blow you off.....


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