Ok guys, totally unique thread here...never been done before...🤪

I'm pretty much ready to move on from my Cambo monorail and get something wooden. I've essentially "settled" on the Chominix F2 (about $1300). Thing is, I don't necessarily need all those features the Chominix offers. For instance, I can sacrifice on:
  • Weight. It can be a little heavier than the F2
  • Bellow extension does not need to be as long (so long as I can get a 70/300mm lens on it)
  • does not need as many movements or extent of movements

I would like a wooden camera and just a point of clarification, I'm talking about 4x5 only. To me, ease of setup, minimal fiddling and good rigidity are important features.

Looking around eBay, the prices between many cameras I looked at last year and beyond have risen to the point that the Chominix F2 just makes sense on account of it making little in the way of compromise. But anyway....

Got ideas?