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Thread: Suggest a 12" (300mm) lens for portrait work on 8x10?

  1. #71
    Unwitting Thread Killer Ari's Avatar
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    Ottawa, Canada

    Re: Suggest a 12" (300mm) lens for portrait work on 8x10?

    Quote Originally Posted by fuegocito View Post
    I tend to favor a narrower view, and a bit more space between me and my subject, hence I went with the 420mm version of the L, and I like it a lot. Really gentle rendering at wide open and sharp till it hurts when close down to about 22/32.
    Good Covid focal length, I guess. And portrait FL preferences vary quite a lot. I couldn't go longer than 360, but some people like 420, 500 and longer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Andrzej View Post
    This is a soft lens. Ari wants a sharp one.
    I had that lens, Andrzej, and liked it, but not my style. Thanks

  2. #72

    Re: Suggest a 12" (300mm) lens for portrait work on 8x10?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ari View Post
    Good Covid focal length, I guess. And portrait FL preferences vary quite a lot. I couldn't go longer than 360, but some people like 420, 500 and longer.
    Yeah, for a while I was working with the 14" CE and for a head and shoulder(ish) shot I think I was less than 2 meter from the person. With the size of an 810 I felt it was a bit crowding in on the person(not close friend or family). I think that attests to the difference in everyone's personal bubble size.

  3. #73

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    Jul 2008

    Re: Suggest a 12" (300mm) lens for portrait work on 8x10?

    Goes back to that comment about using a 480mm f4.5 Xenar for head-shoulder portraits. Using a 480mm on 8x10 gives enough space between sitter to camera and allows for more lighting options. The look is also different using this focal length for head-shoulder portraits.

    16" or 420mm_ish would be the shortest comfy head-shoulder 8x10 portrait focal length. Experience says, 12" or 300mm is too close for comfort with some portrait sitters. Add to this possible lighting limitations and the look of a 12" or 300mm is just different.

    None of which figures into curiosity of how Ari likes this Fujinion L..


    Quote Originally Posted by fuegocito View Post
    Yeah, for a while I was working with the 14" CE and for a head and shoulder(ish) shot I think I was less than 2 meter from the person. With the size of an 810 I felt it was a bit crowding in on the person(not close friend or family). I think that attests to the difference in everyone's personal bubble size.

  4. #74
    Unwitting Thread Killer Ari's Avatar
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    Re: Suggest a 12" (300mm) lens for portrait work on 8x10?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bernice Loui View Post
    Goes back to that comment about using a 480mm f4.5 Xenar for head-shoulder portraits. Using a 480mm on 8x10 gives enough space between sitter to camera and allows for more lighting options. The look is also different using this focal length for head-shoulder portraits.

    16" or 420mm_ish would be the shortest comfy head-shoulder 8x10 portrait focal length. Experience says, 12" or 300mm is too close for comfort with some portrait sitters. Add to this possible lighting limitations and the look of a 12" or 300mm is just different.

    None of which figures into curiosity of how Ari likes this Fujinion L..

    Indeed. To each his/her own.
    And I'll post example shots of the Fuji L 300 asap.

  5. #75
    Unwitting Thread Killer Ari's Avatar
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    Re: Suggest a 12" (300mm) lens for portrait work on 8x10?

    Just wanted to update and/or close this thread. I got the Fuji L 300, and so far, it's been great. Thanks for all your suggestions!
    Here's an example:

  6. #76

    Join Date
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    Re: Suggest a 12" (300mm) lens for portrait work on 8x10?

    Pay him what you owe!

  7. #77
    Unwitting Thread Killer Ari's Avatar
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    Re: Suggest a 12" (300mm) lens for portrait work on 8x10?

    Quote Originally Posted by cowanw View Post
    Pay him what you owe!
    I did. I like my thumbs where they are!

  8. #78
    Peter De Smidt's Avatar
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    Re: Suggest a 12" (300mm) lens for portrait work on 8x10?

    Nice work, Ari!
    “You often feel tired, not because you've done too much, but because you've done too little of what sparks a light in you.”
    ― Alexander Den Heijer, Nothing You Don't Already Know

  9. #79
    Unwitting Thread Killer Ari's Avatar
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    Re: Suggest a 12" (300mm) lens for portrait work on 8x10?

    Thanks, Peter.

  10. #80
    Drew Wiley
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    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: Suggest a 12" (300mm) lens for portrait work on 8x10?

    Now I want one of those Fuji 300 L's; lovely gradation.

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