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Thread: Is there such as thing as a modern, fast, compact 360 for 8x10?

  1. #11
    Lachlan 717
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Is there such as thing as a modern, fast, compact 360 for 8x10?

    What do you need the f6.8 for? I ask as most LF lenses are not performing at their best at wide open.

    I use the 355mm G Claron a lot. One thing that always surprises me is the brightness of the image that it projects, even on the edges of my 7x17” ground glass.

    If you’re worried about image brightness, I would suggest it’s not as big an issue as it is with WA lenses.

    PS, the 355 Claron is amazing...

    You miss 100% of the shots you never take. -- Wayne Gretzky

  2. #12

    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    southeast Idaho, Teton Valley

    Re: Is there such as thing as a modern, fast, compact 360 for 8x10?

    Quote Originally Posted by Vaughn View Post
    I'll defer to Drew and others. My hands-on experience has been with the Fuji W 360/6.3 (both 8x10 and 11x14) and the lens Drew mentioned, the 355/f9 G-Claron, which I have used only with 11x14 -- and very very nice lens indeed. Unfortunately it was not my lens, or I never would have bought the Fuji W.

    I have used f11 lenses in the redwoods (process lenses), but another stop of light of a f9 is much nicer to work with. Taken with the 355/f9 G-Claron on 11x14 (carbon print):
    Thanks Vaughn, for tossing that redwood photo in -- very, very nice.

  3. #13

    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    Tokyo, Japan

    Re: Is there such as thing as a modern, fast, compact 360 for 8x10?

    I would suggest the CM W Fujinon 360mm f 6.5 which I’m hunting for right now.
    Yes, it’s bulky but a few hundred gram less weight (1175g) than the other modern plasmats.
    The front filter thread size is 86mm and the outer diameter is 90mm which is also smaller than the others, so I can use Lee 100 filters and snap on filter holder FK100.

    I use the big brother lens CM W Fujinon 450mm f8.

    Otherwise, if you compromise the fastness, the G claron and the Fujinon A are alternatives like others suggest.
    Last edited by mhayashi; 12-Oct-2020 at 23:10.

  4. #14

    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: Is there such as thing as a modern, fast, compact 360 for 8x10?

    If you want to pay for it there is a 355mm f8 Schneider Kern MC Gold Dot Dagor that is fairly small. Filter size of 60mm.

  5. #15
    Drew Wiley
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: Is there such as thing as a modern, fast, compact 360 for 8x10?

    I've owned both the multicoated and single-coated 14 in Kern Dagors. I use 67mm filters with a slip-on adapter for them. They are somewhat heavy lenses, but nowhere near as heavy as big studio plasmats, more like the 355 G-Claron in weight. I find current Kern dagor prices to be absurdly high, kinda cult lens pricing that's a bit unrealistic compared to other options. They do have remarkably good contrast, microtonality, and hue rendition due to only four air/glass interfaces. But the tangential performance at significant tilts and their close-up performance is not as good as plasmat designs.
    But back to filters - I should have mentioned that earlier myself. Some of those big studio lenses need especially big filters too, adding to the investment cost and overall weight and bulk of the kit.

  6. #16

    Re: Is there such as thing as a modern, fast, compact 360 for 8x10?

    If you were to choose from these two lenses, which would you pick?

    Schneider 360mm f/6.8 Symmar-S non-APO MC (copal 3)

    Rodenstock 360mm f/6.8 Sironar-N (copal 3)

    Quote Originally Posted by Drew Wiley View Post
    I've owned both the multicoated and single-coated 14 in Kern Dagors. I use 67mm filters with a slip-on adapter for them. They are somewhat heavy lenses, but nowhere near as heavy as big studio plasmats, more like the 355 G-Claron in weight. I find current Kern dagor prices to be absurdly high, kinda cult lens pricing that's a bit unrealistic compared to other options. They do have remarkably good contrast, microtonality, and hue rendition due to only four air/glass interfaces. But the tangential performance at significant tilts and their close-up performance is not as good as plasmat designs.
    But back to filters - I should have mentioned that earlier myself. Some of those big studio lenses need especially big filters too, adding to the investment cost and overall weight and bulk of the kit.

  7. #17

    Join Date
    Jan 2019

    Re: Is there such as thing as a modern, fast, compact 360 for 8x10?

    Quote Originally Posted by KushLovely View Post
    If you were to choose from these two lenses, which would you pick?

    Schneider 360mm f/6.8 Symmar-S non-APO MC (copal 3)

    Rodenstock 360mm f/6.8 Sironar-N (copal 3)
    I wouldn’t choose either. They’re 1.5 Kg lenses.

  8. #18

    Re: Is there such as thing as a modern, fast, compact 360 for 8x10?

    I'm not taking these lenses backpacking or anything like that, so weight is no longer an issue.

    What do folks think of the difference in optics between these two?

  9. #19

    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    now in Tucson, AZ

    Re: Is there such as thing as a modern, fast, compact 360 for 8x10?

    Assuming both are in equal physical condition, you'd be hard-pressed to tell the difference between the two lenses. Unless, of course, you expect to make wall-sized enlargements... and even then other practicalities might very well mask any small differences in optical quality.
    Remember that these were 'flagship' lenses from two of the most-respected optical companies, designed for a demanding professional market.

  10. #20

    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Is there such as thing as a modern, fast, compact 360 for 8x10?

    Define "lightweight", Define "Fast", Define "Compact.

    Each of these requirements will impose specific trade offs that are a fixed given.

    As for "sharp" realities of 8x10 often imposed diffraction limited "sharpness" or would "sharpness" be a perception of high contrast,
    there is a very real and significant difference between resolution, contrast and a very long list of lens personalties that cannot be
    defined by sharp-contrast alone.

    Better question would be what are your print image goals? Start here and work backwards with the camera being well down on the list of
    how to meet your print image goals.

    There is a very long list of 14" _ 360mm lenses that are excellent for 8x10. Each have their plus-minus, none will meet every print image goal.


    Quote Originally Posted by KushLovely View Post
    Hey LFPF!

    Wondering if a lens like this even exists...?

    I'm looking for a 360mm 8x10 lens, that is modern and very sharp, but is also lightweight, and around f/6.3

    Is there a lens that ticks all these boxes?

    Thanks so much (:

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