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Thread: Need a new compact film developer while on the road

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Need a new compact film developer while on the road

    I've been happily dunkin my hp5 and tmy in Xtol for a while now. But plans are in the works for a couple years on the road in the rv. And space is at a premium. Clanking bottles of Xtol is not the ideal solution.

    I dont shoot a lot of film, and I use little 1.5" daylight inversion tubes, one sheet at a time. They require about 200ml to cover a sheet of 4x5.

    Something like Hc would fit the bill, but I'm not so much of a fan. I liked ilfosol3 but it didn't hold up well once I opened the bottle. I guess in the big picture tossing half a bottle now and then isn't a big deal.

    I've considered trying a pyro developer, but never made the move. If I understand what I read, I'll have to measure 2 ml of solution for each sheet. That seems a little twitchy to me, if I'm off just a little bit with my measurements, it seems like it could be a large error.

    I don't want to start another "which pyro" thread, but I guess I kinda do. Anybody care to weigh in on what would be a good fit for my lil tubes. Idiot proof is a plus. Or any thoughts in general. I'll be limited to scanning for a while as well.

    Go buy some film, and release the magic.

  2. #2
    jp's Avatar
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    May 2009

    Re: Need a new compact film developer while on the road

    I have disposable plastic bulbed pipettes which dispense 0-3ml, perfect for measuring pyro concentrates. 1ml is more than an inch in the pipette, very easy to measure. pyrocat HD or PMK in glycol from formulary is about the easiest and it lasts forever. Have two pipettes, one for each part of the concentrate, and don't mix them up to prevent cross-contam.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Need a new compact film developer while on the road

    Quote Originally Posted by jp498 View Post
    I have disposable plastic bulbed pipettes which dispense 0-3ml, perfect for measuring pyro concentrates. 1ml is more than an inch in the pipette, very easy to measure. pyrocat HD or PMK in glycol from formulary is about the easiest and it lasts forever. Have two pipettes, one for each part of the concentrate, and don't mix them up to prevent cross-contam.
    An inch, wow. That makes it sound rather foolproof. Thx
    Go buy some film, and release the magic.

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    north of the 49th

    Re: Need a new compact film developer while on the road

    Pipettes and the pumps are indeed great for small amounts. I use 10ml pipettes with a 10ml pump. fwiw, photobymike is selling pipettes (and possibly a pump) in the classifieds here.

    As for developer, have you tried Rodinal ? Very good shelf life and a bottle could go a long way, esp at 1:50 or 1:100.
    notch codes ? I only use one film...

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    Re: Need a new compact film developer while on the road

    I would also recommend Pyrocat and pipettes for your road trip. HP 5+ and Pyrocat are a great combination and although I like Rodinal for some films it will produce quite a bit of grain with HP 5+.

  6. #6

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    Feb 2008

    Re: Need a new compact film developer while on the road

    Fred, and Gary
    I just Googled the pipettes, problem solved. I have used syringes as my accurate little bitty measurement system, pipettes look way better.
    Never tried rodinal, I was always put off by the grain thing, never actually seen it, just what I've read.
    Go buy some film, and release the magic.

  7. #7

    Join Date
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    north of the 49th

    Re: Need a new compact film developer while on the road

    yeah, guess I like the Rodinal grain with some films like APX 25 and 100 Pyro in glycol would be what I'd be looking at if HC110 doesn't float your boat.

    What size rv you travelling in ? We just went to an rv show in Toronto and there were some nice vehicles I could long term in, esp one on a Mercedes Benz chassis (not Sprinter) that had the hugest front window. Naturally, it was diesel.
    notch codes ? I only use one film...

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Need a new compact film developer while on the road

    Fred we have a pretty big 5th wheel. But it doesn't take long to fill up, once we start cramming all our junk in.
    Before you know it, them lil hills feel like mountains.
    Maybe this is a good time to try some rodinal, but perhaps with a slower film?
    Go buy some film, and release the magic.

  9. #9
    Corran's Avatar
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    Re: Need a new compact film developer while on the road

    Rodinal and T-Max or FP4 does well for me. For T-Max, 1:50 at 68F for 12.5 minutes with BTZS tubes is my N development.
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    All comments and thoughtful critique welcome

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2001

    Re: Need a new compact film developer while on the road

    caffenol c, and it can be repurposed for your laundry/cleaning, morning coffee and vit c/ health

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