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Thread: UlF soft focus lens

  1. #1

    UlF soft focus lens

    Help . Once again I'm heading into uncharted least for me. What is available in a good quality soft focus lens capable of covering 14 x 17 format. Im not too worried about price although I am running out of children to sell and where does one find such an animal.

    Thanks way ahead of time


  2. #2

    UlF soft focus lens

    Robert I am also beginning a project in 14 x 17 "unchartered waters" I believe I attended a class with you in Flag with Dick Arentz? Have been unable to catch you through your e mail here maybe you could send me a note as I have some info for you etc.
    Thanks so much
    Dave Wooten-Las Vegas

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    San Joaquin Valley, California

    UlF soft focus lens

    Try Lens and Repro in NYC. Most of the softies I've run into have rather small image circles so buy from someone who knows their stuff(which translates into "It ain't going to be cheap")
    "I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority"---EB White

  4. #4
    Whatever David A. Goldfarb's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2000
    Honolulu, Hawai'i

    UlF soft focus lens

    I've seen an 18" Verito at Photo Gizzmo recently (phone number on their aren't set up for e-commerce). If it doesn't cover, then the rear cell alone should. It should certainly cover at portrait distances.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2001

    UlF soft focus lens

    sometimes jay tepper has long portrait lenses.

    he has no problems with returns

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jul 2000

    UlF soft focus lens

    the rear cell of a 14 1/2" verito is 24".....the rear of an 18 incher is 30"

  7. #7

    UlF soft focus lens


    I have a 48cm f4.5 Universal Heliar that might cover 14x17. I don't have any data on the lens, or currently a camera big enough to test the coverage. I believe it will just cover 11x14 at infinity. So, it might cover 14x17 at closer distances (perhaps a little vignetting that could be concealed with an oval matte - like on many old portraits). If you do loacte one, be aware that it's a true beast of a lens - mine weighs approximately 13 lbs.

    Other than really long the Veritos, I don't know of any other soft focus lenses capable of covering such mammoth formats.


  8. #8

    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    UlF soft focus lens


    How do you use such a large camera with out loseing control or dropping it?? What do you use for a tripod head and mounting system??

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Jul 2000

    UlF soft focus lens

    Robert, If money is an issue ( as it is with many of ULFers) You could always rob the wife's panty hose drawer.......stretch the nylon over your lens...presto instant soft focus. Less softness?.....use her black

  10. #10

    Join Date
    May 2004
    Brussels, Belgium

    UlF soft focus lens

    My suggestion would have been to look for long Heliars, but Kerry beat me to it...

    One thing to consider for portrait lenses in ULF format is both coverage and working distance, which are dealt with differently than with smaller formats : In 14x17, a shoulder portrait is pretty much at 1:1 magnification, so you need a lens that covers only half the format at infinity do cover the format at 1:1. Also, the general rule of longer-than-normal lenses for portraits is a little less critical for larger formats, so you can get away with normal or slightly shorter than normal lens...

    Just food for thoughts...


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