I believe Solomon did this in the past when a Heliopan filter originally purchased from the US was offered for sale on ebay USA by a Canadian seller. - there was a series of threads about it either on here or on photo.net. I have heard of several others, but the offended parties didn't make as much noise.



HP Marketing apparently was the US trademark holder for Heliopan. Solomon erroneously believed that trademark law required a vigorous defence of any such infringement on the Heliopan trademark at the risk of losing the trademark.

Solomon's and HP's stance was completely contradicted elsewhere and stated as incorrect and disproportionate in a response by a law professor who was a specialist in trademark law. In fact HP's response appeared to nothing more than their usual heavy and high handed behaviour and also displayed what appeared to be either very bad legal advice or clear ignorance of the law concerned.

Don I would suggest also posting this complaint on photo.net if the facts are correct and you are "merely" an individual (as opposed to a store) selling personal items

Bear in mind with ebay - they basically do what they want. They have stated in the past that if law enforcement were to call the looking for full details of any sales or member records they would happily provide them - no warrants or such - just a call from "legitimate" law enforcement.