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Thread: Right price for Sinar P2?

  1. #21

    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Re: Right price for Sinar P2?

    I think he means that it probably cost $8000 years ago when she bought it. That doesn't matter now because its value is far less.

    Sinar made a shutter for the camera so the "DB mounted" shutterless lenses could be used. This costs about $500 used and the lenses are sometimes less expensive to buy because they do not have a shutter. The lenses pictures are already mounted in Copal shutters and will be fine for your use - most people prefer the standard Copal shutters as they are - but the Sinar shutter is nice to have as well. You can always add one later if you decide that you need it.

    As for the accessories being boring, I suppose they are but they are also very useful! Perhaps he means that the accessories do not have a high resale value, and that is true, but you probably will use them regardless.

  2. #22

    Join Date
    May 2010
    St. Louis, Mo.

    Re: Right price for Sinar P2?

    Sinar shutters are convenient in the studio. You can set your shutter speed from behind the camera and when you load a film holder it automatically cocks the Sinar shutter. All your shutter speeds will be exactly the same no matter which lens you use since you are using only one shutter.

    Another advantage is that you can use old brass shutterless lenses such as soft focus and Petzval lenses on your camera and have a shutter.

    The disadvantage besides cost of the Sinar shutter is that if you have a lens mounted onto a DB board you can't use it on multiple cameras. For example I have most of my lenses mounted on Technika style boards so I can interchange them between my Wehman 8x10, my Sinar P 4x5 and my Tachihara 4x5.

    Some people like Sinar shutters and some don't.

  3. #23

    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: Right price for Sinar P2?

    No Frank!
    I'm saying I sold a corresponding set for 8,000 DKK a year ago.
    It was listed on ebay at this price. Not so much interest and then suddenly a buyer who drove up from Hamburg to collect.

    To the OP:

    I think 8,000 Norsk kronar is the right price - but sellers do have cut-off points when emotions, rather than logical considerations win. This cut-of point could welll be 10,000 NKK! Less may result in anger/tears and no deal at all!
    A better deal in N,SE and DK might be the very similar Cambo Master Set which sold very well in these countries and are often available at much lower prices.

    I mentioned the sinar copal shutter/release, because this has an immediate separate value of around 2,000 SKK! Which not all sellers are aware of.

  4. #24

    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Re: Right price for Sinar P2?

    8,000.00 DKK = 1,387.33 USD

    OK sorry, I thought you meant 8,000 USD. That pricing makes sense.

  5. #25

    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Right price for Sinar P2?

    A Sinar P2 is very heavy to carry if you need to walk more than just a few meters from your car (A 4x5 P2 with standar bellows and rail is 6 kilo), but in reward you'll get a very sturdy and precise setup. All knobs are very precise, selflocking and easy to operate. In my opinion is the Queen of LF cameras. Once you try one, you won´t to try anyother. Sinar F and F2 cameras are more portable and very nice options.

  6. #26

    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Right price for Sinar P2?

    I forgot to tell you that 8.000-10.000 Krona is a very fair price for the items pictured. The actual price for a new P2 is 7.000EURO!!!!

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