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Thread: Can you get to..............

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Can you get to..............

    Can you get to North Dome during Jan/feb? I know highway 120 is closed, but is there another way to get to the top of North Dome during winter.I would love to try, the view would be amazing.

  2. #2
    Preston Birdwell
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Columbia, CA

    Re: Can you get to..............

    The only way I know of is the infamous North Dome Gully. It is steep, has what should be Class 4 sections of rock bands, lots of loose rock and brush. It is very dangerous in dry conditions and with snow/wet rock, it would be suicidal, in my opinion. Stay away!

    Others may have other ideas, and I do agree the view would be amazing.

    Preston-Columbia CA

    "If you want nice fresh oats, you have to pay a fair price. If you can be satisfied with oats that have already been through the horse; that comes a little cheaper."

  3. #3
    ROL's Avatar
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    Oct 2008

    Re: Can you get to..............

    North Dome Gully was only ever class III whenever I descended it some decades ago, but still not recommended, particularly in winter, or if you're not a climber. Why not traverse over from the Snow Creek Trail? It is often virtually snow free to the rim much of the winter, though you would be well advised to have good winter travel skills. Quite a fascination you have with North Dome, eh?

  4. #4
    Vaughn's Avatar
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    Humboldt County, CA

    Re: Can you get to..............

    Take the Snow Creek Trail -- starts just past Mirror Lake. Once up out of the canyon, head uphill (cross-country) to the ridge that has Indian Rock, then by trail to North Dome. I have done that in reverse with the 8x10. It will be quite a uphill hike leaving Snow Creek...especially with snow on the ground.

    I suppose another way would be to climb out of Indian Creek Canyon until you hit the trail. I really do not suggest it -- I have only been part way up myself.

    But in any case, you should be experience with winter hiking. You days are short, also -- not a lot of time on North Dome!

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Can you get to..............

    First I'm not a "CLIMBER" I'm a hiker and the reason I want to get to the top of North dome is the view of Half Dome in the winter.Late afternoon sunlit face of Half Dome with it's North face plastered with snow.Or the snow blowing off of the top of Half Dome. An awesome shot no doubt. Thanks for the ideas.

  6. #6
    Vaughn's Avatar
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    Humboldt County, CA

    Re: Can you get to..............

    Quote Originally Posted by ignatiusjk View Post
    First I'm not a "CLIMBER" I'm a hiker and the reason I want to get to the top of North dome is the view of Half Dome in the winter.Late afternoon sunlit face of Half Dome with it's North face plastered with snow.Or the snow blowing off of the top of Half Dome. An awesome shot no doubt. Thanks for the ideas.
    Late afternoon on North Dome will leave you on the trail after dark -- and you will not want to be on any cross-country sections of the hike at that time! A better plan is being on top by noon and spend a short time there before heading back down. You might just try hiking to the top of the Snow Creek Trail and photographing from directly across from Half Dome. Not quite as nice as being higher up on North Dome, though.

  7. #7
    ROL's Avatar
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    Re: Can you get to..............

    My unvarnished, brutally frank, potentially life saving advice – now that you've been given positive suggestions – is that if you have to solicit advice from a bunch of old fart photogs, and you can't figure out how to get up to a highly visible park landmark with map and mountaineering sense on your own, is that you have no business going off trail, snow covered or otherwise.

  8. #8
    Drew Wiley
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    Re: Can you get to..............


  9. #9

    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Can you get to..............

    Based on my amateurish jaunt up to North Dome (previously mentioned in this thread), I found it brutally easy to miss the trail going up from Mirror Lake. Experienced hikers would laugh at this, but after 45 minutes scared shitless trying to re-find the trail after following someone else's failed bushwacking and misleading cairns, I wouldn't go anywhere that I have to 'figure' what is and isn't the path. I can't imagine it at all if there were more than a mere dusting of snow. The switchbacks are rocky enough that it's easy to twist an ankle on an unseen rock, and even if it's clear in the morning, a snowstorm could erase a trail in just a few hours. If there is snow on North Dome itself, I'd expect ice, in which case I'd expect a really grisly death. Really. There are too many safe-looking places to slip and just keep sliding. If it's bone-dry, have fun. If not, I'd stay by the fire.

  10. #10
    Preston Birdwell
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Columbia, CA

    Re: Can you get to..............

    North Dome Gully was only ever class III whenever I descended it...
    You're probably correct, but I know some folks have come to grief on the cliff bands. Class III can be tricky, and would become much more difficult if the weather turns nasty. I'd forgotten about Snow Creek, but, as has been said, that ain't no picnic, either.

    The OP has gotten good advice to stay away unless he is very experienced and conditions are perfect.

    Preston-Columbia CA

    "If you want nice fresh oats, you have to pay a fair price. If you can be satisfied with oats that have already been through the horse; that comes a little cheaper."


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