View Poll Results: How many lenses go with you into the field?

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    24 21.62%
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    33 29.73%
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    19 17.12%
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    14 12.61%
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    8 7.21%
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Thread: How many lenses? more specific

  1. #1
    C. D. Keth's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    How many lenses? more specific

    That other poll is interesting but I'm curious for more specifics now that we have the most popular range down. I'm especially curious about how many here are "one lens wonders"

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Oregon now (formerly Austria)

    Re: How many lenses? more specific

    I take five lenses normally on day hikes, four when backpacking. I try to keep my kit really light, however.

    For day hikes, I most often carry a 90mm f/8 Super Angulon, a 135mm f/5.6 Nikkor W, a 203mm f/7.7 Ektar, a 240mm f/9 Fujinon A, and a 300mm f/9 Nikkor M

    For backpacking, a 100mm f/6.3 Wide-Field Ektar replaces the heavier Super Angulon and I leave the 300mm behind.



  3. #3
    IanG's Avatar
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    Aegean (Turkey & UK)

    Re: How many lenses? more specific

    Same answer as the other question, usually 3 maximun but since I got a 203mm Ektar a fourth here in the UK is hardly any extra weight


  4. #4
    Land-Scapegrace Heroique's Avatar
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    Seattle, Wash.

    Re: How many lenses? more specific

    To add to my reply in the related thread, if I could add a fourth lens to my 110-150-240 kit, it would be a 180mm. If I had no field experience w/ my current kit, I would think that, say, a 75mm or a telephoto would be a more sensible addition. But no. A thousand times no. My personal experience says the 180mm would round things out even better, and might become my preferred focal length!

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    San Joaquin Valley, California

    Re: How many lenses? more specific

    8x10---two at the most. A 240mm G Claron and a 19" Artar. 5x7---a single 203 Ektar on the Speeder.
    "I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority"---EB White

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Northern Virginia

    Re: How many lenses? more specific

    One thing that is becoming obvious is that some optimize for lightness/compactness, and others optimize for versatility.

    I don't optimize for lightness. I use a Sinar blue case, which is no lightweight. I don't hike with my camera any more, but I've still managed to haul it around here and there. In that case, I routinely carry:

    Sinar F2
    WA Bellows 2
    Standard bellows
    Short rod
    Jointed rod
    Polarizer holder (with B+W polarizer)
    105mm Yellow filter
    6" rail extender (2 of these)
    Quickload holder
    Box of Quickload film
    Sinar Vario rollfilm holder (though I'll leave this behind if I'm not using rollfilm with the Sinar, mostly just to keep it out of the way)
    Fuji PA-45
    Fuji FP-100C film pack
    6x tilting loupe
    Standard 4x5 film holders (seven fit easily) for black and white
    Sekonic L488 spot meter
    Notebook and pen
    Cable release (two)
    Format mask (for Vario)
    Five lenses (one on camera)

    The marginal weight of that fourth and fifth lens, even the big Super Angulons, is pretty small in relationship to that loaded case. And then there's the tripod, which is a Bogen 3036 leg set with a Sinar tilt-head and the rail clamp.

    I mounted external wheels on the case and a handle on one edge of the top. I needed a handle for it so I could drag it while walking, but never really found the right thing. In preparation for my trip last week, I found I can put a Gitzo monopod through the handle, hook the camera base on the other end, extend one section, and use it as a pull stick for the case. That works far better than I ever expected it to, even dragging it across the wavy bricks and cobbles of Nantucket. And it leaves me with a monopod for the digital camera. There might be a way to clamp a tripod to the case top and do the same thing.

    The case serves as a mobile workstation when making photos, so that I don't ever have to put anything on the ground. When I get tired of dragging it, it's perfect height to provide a seat for resting. If I need to get taller, I can stand on it.

    This is not the camera for backpacking, but then backpacking is something I do so rarely as to not be worth optimizing for it. If I need a 4x5 camera for play and want to pack small, I have a Speed Graphic, and someday soon hope to have one of Ben Syverson's plastic point-n-shoots. Each would get one lens. The Sinar is a camera designed for versatility, and I like being able to pull an architectural interior capability out of the same box as an outdoor landscape.

    Rick "amazed always by what that Sinar case will hold" Denney

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Sonora, California

    Re: How many lenses? more specific

    4x5: normally just two. usually, a 135mm and a 210mm. Sometimes, a 90mm and a 210mm and sometimes just the 135mm.
    5x7: one - 210mm
    8x10: one. either a 240mm or a 300mm but never both.

  8. #8
    Vaughn's Avatar
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    Humboldt County, CA

    Re: How many lenses? more specific

    I put down three -- but it depends on the camera.

    Three with the most-used 8x10 (choosing between 300mm and 250 in shutter, 210, 19" and 24" in barrels),

    One or two (270mm and 19" in barrels) with the 11x14,

    One (150 in shutter) with the 4x5,

    One (soon to be 2) -- 210 and 159 in shutters with the 5x7.

    And of course, one with the Rolleiflex.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2001

    Re: How many lenses? more specific

    8x10 wide angle rr
    11x14/7x11 1a triple
    4x5 ( slr ) laverne
    speed + rail camera share a kit of maybe 6 lenses, but i mainly use a 150 symetrigon
    5x7 shares the 5x4 lenses but mainly use a 210.
    5x4 box camera-- built in lens
    5x4 falling plate camera built in lens

    i have a handful of other lenses for the 5x4 and 5x7 and use them from time to time for special projects
    but i don't bring them out when i just go out to take photographs ...

  10. #10

    Join Date
    May 2010
    Saudi Arabia

    Re: How many lenses? more specific

    I usually leave my backpack in the camp or car. I use a built from lowepro and attache camera cases, filter cases, water and a casd for film holders. My 4x5 camera on the tripod rests on my shoulder. I take 72, 90 and 150. But thats changing soon to include 210 and 300 or 400

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