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Thread: Impossible Project announces 8x10 instant film coming summer 2012...

  1. #41

    Re: Impossible Project announces 8x10 instant film coming summer 2012...

    I think some of us might be missing the point , for the vast number of users 10x8 Polaroid was used for testing exposure and composition before shooting film, and for that it will be perfect, even if it is reversed

  2. #42

    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Chicago, IL

    Re: Impossible Project announces 8x10 instant film coming summer 2012...

    I wouldn't use any instant film for exposure testing... It's too unpredictable. It pains me to say it, but a DSLR is the perfect tool for understanding and managing exposure.

  3. #43

    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Re: Impossible Project announces 8x10 instant film coming summer 2012...

    Hate to break it to you but it was the rock solid professional proofing method for over 30 years. You could judge it to a tenth of a stop, from shot to shot... in the studio. Sure doing a one off in mid winter isn't proofing, but if you shot them consistently then the Polaroid and Fuji stuff was very trustworthy.

  4. #44
    Andi Heuser
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Re: Impossible Project announces 8x10 instant film coming summer 2012...

    Quote Originally Posted by Ben Syverson View Post
    Calumet made a very basic field processor that was basically a set of rollers, so it's definitely possible... Maybe Calumet will start making them again if enough people ask!

    To Sanchi: There are two kinds of holders: the 05 and the 06. The 06 requires a loading tray. The 05 just goes right into the processor. I've never used the 05 type, but Susan (from the picture) has, and she says it's pretty easy.

    was new to me that there were two different holders, good info, thanks.

  5. #45

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    NY area

    Re: Impossible Project announces 8x10 instant film coming summer 2012...

    Quote Originally Posted by Ben Syverson View Post
    I wouldn't use any instant film for exposure testing... It's too unpredictable. It pains me to say it, but a DSLR is the perfect tool for understanding and managing exposure.
    A DSLR is a great tool for proofing, but as someone who shot thousands of 8x10 color polaroids there was little alternative when doing a still life and you wanted a TTL, that is exact camera POV to be able to study the finer points of the image prior to film. Some still lifes were so precise that to be a half a degree off optical line the lighting could appear very differently. And BTW I still have my 8x10 polaroid processor, tray and holder.

    8x10 polaroids did however require a certain amount of experience and interpretation when it came to tonalities and exposure though. But after a few hundred you got the knack. People now though don't have the patience to learn and master these tools, they want it fool proof from the get go.

    And as Frank stated, it was THE proofing system for many, many years.

  6. #46

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    Re: Impossible Project announces 8x10 instant film coming summer 2012...

    By the way, have you guys seen this?

  7. #47

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    Jun 2002

    Re: Impossible Project announces 8x10 instant film coming summer 2012...

    The last 15 years of Polaroid they finally films that came close to matching chrome film, 100 ISO, decent color and sharpness. As long as you were at a reasonable room temperature and it was still in date, it worked very well.

    Playing around with this Impossible Project stuff that is all over the place really makes you appreciate how tight Polaroid got it.

  8. #48

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    Feb 2010

    Re: Impossible Project announces 8x10 instant film coming summer 2012...

    If you think Polaroid had it all tightened up, Fuji easily had a much tighter and better process with FP-100C than polaroid ever had with their peel-apart films. FP100C is the film polaroid should have been making all along. Sadly now it seems fuji has given up on 4x5 FP100c.

    IP is making 8x10 stuff since that is the only other machinery they were able to salvage from the old polaroid factory. They don't have the 4x5 machinery. They'd probably prefer to make 4x5, all things considered, given that it's a larger market. New55 looks promising if they can ever get past the prototype stage into production.

  9. #49

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    Re: Impossible Project announces 8x10 instant film coming summer 2012...

    The New55 project is stuck in a Catch-22. They can't move forward with production until they have money, but they can't make money until they have a product to sell. Bob has mentioned that he doesn't want to do Kickstarter for some reason, so short of divine intervention, I'm not sure what the plan is.

    Honestly, if he just got a better website instead of a Blogspot blog, they could probably raise enough money via preorders in under a week. Time to pay a college kid $2000 to make a nice eCommerce site.

  10. #50
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    Re: Impossible Project announces 8x10 instant film coming summer 2012...

    Quote Originally Posted by Frank Petronio View Post
    Hate to break it to you but it was the rock solid professional proofing method for over 30 years.
    Peel-apart Polaroid was, but not the instant SX-70-type direct-positive stuff. Isn't that what the Impossible Project produces?

    Rick "who still checks exposure with Fujiroid" Denney

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