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Thread: Mthod(s) to delete FS ads when the item(s) sell

  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2011
    Central Indiana

    Mthod(s) to delete FS ads when the item(s) sell

    Seems there's no way readily obvious method to delete an ad once the item sells. Bugs me to see something of interest, read through a page or two of posts, only to find the item(s) have sold.

    I guess the seller should alert the mods when an item sells so that they can delete the ad. Better still, let the seller manage their own ads. Either way would help clean up that part of the forum a bit.


    PS: Sorry for the typo in the headline!

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    South Texas

    Re: Mthod(s) to delete FS ads when the item(s) sell

    I don't think they should be deleted... perhaps closed but only 30 days after the item is bought or sold to openly resolve any issues which can't be dealt with discretely.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Seattle, Washington

    Re: Mthod(s) to delete FS ads when the item(s) sell

    I'm with O&F. There's some good information in some of these FS threads, but I agree with OP that there should be a way of indicating the status of the ad so interested parties don't waste a lot of time browsing sold items.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Rondo, Missouri

    Re: Mthod(s) to delete FS ads when the item(s) sell

    The old posts are valuable for seeing what items brought in the past. This is good for setting a price if your selling and for getting an idea of a fair price if your buying. Perhaps there is a way to archive them without leaving them visible?
    Michael W. Graves
    Michael's Pub

    If it ain't broke....don't fix it!

  5. #5

    Join Date
    May 2004
    Montara, California

    Re: Mthod(s) to delete FS ads when the item(s) sell

    Usually the seller posts and "item sold" post on their thread. I would NOT delete the old thread--for a market to work well both buyers and sellers need accurate pricing information!


  6. #6

    Re: Mthod(s) to delete FS ads when the item(s) sell

    Leave it alone.

    This forum is not a classified site designed solely for your personal buying and selling pleasure.
    The For Sale area is a side attraction or accessory, it is not the raison d'être for this forum.

    And welcome to the forum. (seriously)

    I am not a moderator, or necessarily playing at forum police - this is just an FYI. This place has been around quite a while and somehow lately we seem to be attracting lots of buy/sell activity along with multiple requests to alter the way the forum operates to suit someone's personal agenda, usually a new subscriber. I suspect such requests are innocent and well meaning but really, "how to run the forum" is well figured out here. The moderators have other things to deal with and I think do not need to re-consider their operating plan based on whims of others who have no responsibility for operating and maintaining the site.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    South Texas

    Re: Mthod(s) to delete FS ads when the item(s) sell

    Henry's right, IMHO.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    May 2011
    Central Indiana

    Re: Mthod(s) to delete FS ads when the item(s) sell

    "Well figured out" doesn't imply it's the optimal method of doing things, Henry, and it's rather insulting to refer to my request as a "whim". It's a legitimate issue and appears to have some merit, as others seem to show with their comments.

    I have no problem with leaving the posts on the board; in fact, based on the comments above, I'd agree that is better than removing them. I'd simply like something to show an item has sold without having to scroll through all of the subsequent posts before I find one that says the item(s) sold. It could be something as simple as a color change of the title, or dimming the post title. Neither are difficult to implement, and it would solve what I believe to be an existing problem with the "accessory".

    Yes, the mods have other things to do, Hank, but that doesn't preclude their fixing what may be problematic issues with any part of the site! I have no problem taking on some of that responsibility, if that will make you happy. Perhaps the best solution is for the OPs to manage their own posts, and mark the ones sold when the time comes, without any need to bother the mods! That may take some time to work out the coding, but a few hours up front can prevent repeated requests to delete or otherwise mark FS posts to show the item(s) have sold. Really, Henry, you make it sound like re-coding the OS of the site to require dozens of man-days of labor when it might take nothing more than a single additional line of code.

    I suggest we let the mods decide what is most important, where they should expend their resources and allow them to modify the operating plan as they see fit - even little "whims" like mine.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles de Porciúncula

    Re: Mthod(s) to delete FS ads when the item(s) sell

    Quote Originally Posted by Henry Ambrose View Post
    This forum is not a classified site designed solely for your personal buying and selling pleasure.
    The For Sale area is a side attraction or accessory, it is not the raison d'être for this forum.

    And welcome to the forum. (seriously)

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles de Porciúncula

    Re: Mthod(s) to delete FS ads when the item(s) sell

    Quote Originally Posted by indy_kid View Post
    Perhaps the best solution is for the OPs to manage their own posts, and mark the ones sold when the time comes, without any need to bother the mods!
    Ditto. But that can be done today, can't it. So what's the issue?

    Randomly selected example:


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