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Thread: Prime slr lens on a crown graphic??!

  1. #111

    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Re: Prime slr lens on a crown graphic??!

    David, nowadays when we say that an argument comes down to wrangling over how many angels can dance on the head of a pin we're not addressing religion. We're saying that the argument is a pointless waste of time and that the issue under consideration has no practical significance. Don't be so sensitive. If the person who made the comment -- not me, and I don't think it was apt, but not for your reasons -- had intended to attack religion I don't think he'd have been so indirect.

    Please see

  2. #112
    photobymike's Avatar
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    Tampa Florida

    Re: Prime slr lens on a crown graphic??!

    Well if i could get a lens board that would work with my mamiya rz lenses ... or better yet a 4x5 film back for my RZ .. yea yea i know there is a 4x5 polaroid holder but i really want to use my 4x5 film holders for a 8cm x 8cm image.....boy i could really like that

    whats with the pin, angels ect... 35mm lens on a graflex yes i have seen it... but the guy modified the lens to take out the retro focus ability... i think he removed the back lens and it worked... he used a 85mm fd canon lens.. so there....

  3. #113

    Re: Prime slr lens on a crown graphic??!

    That people is not early middle age Church scholars.
    When people talk about Middle age Church, normally talk about the Catholic Church, beside that the fact people discuss something doesnt make them scholars.
    Olej, to talk about this go ahead and read Agustin, Jerome, Thomas Aquinas, even to Sir Thomas More, Therese of Avila, John of the Cross. Scott Hahn, John Paul the II, Benedict XVI etc. and then tell me if you find one of them talking about such a stupidity. (or any othe stupidity)

  4. #114

    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Re: Prime slr lens on a crown graphic??!

    Quote Originally Posted by photobymike View Post
    Well if i could get a lens board that would work with my mamiya rz lenses ... or better yet a 4x5 film back for my RZ .. yea yea i know there is a 4x5 polaroid holder but i really want to use my 4x5 film holders for a 8cm x 8cm image.....boy i could really like that
    I think it is possible to reshutter the lenses, could be mistaken. Take the cells out, put them in standard shutters, and go. Try it and tell us whether it works.

    I did this with a 60/5.6 Konica Hexanon for Koni-Omega. Same problem, body cocks and fires shutter with linkages that can't be made to work on a lens board.

  5. #115

    Re: Prime slr lens on a crown graphic??!

    Dan :

    I got that, thanks.
    But one thing is to use the expression and another to say that Church Scholars wrote books and fought about it.

    Thanks again for letting me know aobut the use of this phrase.

  6. #116

    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Re: Prime slr lens on a crown graphic??!

    David, for the second time, please see

  7. #117

    Re: Prime slr lens on a crown graphic??!


    Thankyou, I already understood that. Now I know is a way to say dont waste your time.
    But if you refer to Aquinas talking about it, well I read the Suma, and he would answer that question saying: Angels are spirits and as such they dont use or need space.

    I hope this is also clear.

  8. #118

    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Re: Prime slr lens on a crown graphic??!

    Well, then, as many angels as you'd like can dance on the head of a pin. And the pin won't hurt their feet.

  9. #119
    Jim Jones's Avatar
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    Chillicothe Missouri USA

    Re: Prime slr lens on a crown graphic??!

    Angels and pins? in this forum shouldn't that be about photographing angels with pinhole cameras, not about philosophers or biblical scholars, whether the angels are dancing or not? Maybe that is also covered in the Post Your Pixies thread.

  10. #120
    Jim Sidinger
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Denver Area, Colorado USA

    Re: Prime slr lens on a crown graphic??!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Fromm View Post
    David, nowadays when we say that an argument comes down to wrangling over how many angels can dance on the head of a pin we're not addressing religion. We're saying that the argument is a pointless waste of time and that the issue under consideration has no practical significance. Don't be so sensitive. If the person who made the comment -- not me, and I don't think it was apt, but not for your reasons -- had intended to attack religion I don't think he'd have been so indirect.

    Please see
    Since I was the one who offended David (and perhaps others), I want to clarify that Dan had my meaning correct. I also did not mean to offend those folks who were intently trying to come up with a technical solution to that fellow's problem.

    I just felt that 1. the issue has little, if any, significance in the fullness of LF art; 2. that some of the folks involved seemed to me were getting overly heated in their defense of their answers; and 3. I thought it was a humorous, but harmless, historical analogy given how I felt. In the future I will make sure to intend to offend only in a non-humorous manner as my meaning will be easier to discern.

    "Stay away from politics & religion, son. You'll have an easier time in life." - My Dad. Should'a listened to Dad about some other things as well.

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