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Thread: FP4 base side anomalies and Jobo 3005

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    FP4 base side anomalies and Jobo 3005

    I just processed some Ilford fp4 8x10 sheet film in a Jobo 3005 and the base side is getting some weird drying marks and is riddled with scratches as well. The marks look like some type of effect from liquid being trapped between two smooth surfaces (Jobo wall and base side of film) and causing some type flaw. I presoaked, used xtol, normal stop bath, and normal fixer. Washed for 30 mintues and did a final rinse in distilled water. The same thing happened with HP5 a few years back, so I stuck with Tri-X. Is Ilford's base not all that compatible with the function of the Jobo drums? I never get or got this problem with Kodak. Please chime in. Thanks.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2006
    grand rapids

    Re: FP4 base side anomalies and Jobo 3005

    Are you pushing the film all the way down past the lip of the tank? If so, DONT!

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Re: FP4 base side anomalies and Jobo 3005

    I do, but do you think that is what is causing this?

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    grand rapids

    Re: FP4 base side anomalies and Jobo 3005

    I had some issues like you described (never scratches) when I started in both 3010 and 3005 drums. Leave the film flush with the top surface of the tube. When the film is pushed all the way in, the liquids don't always get behind it to remove the anti-halation layer. Just my two cents. I use 500ml of liquid in the 3005 drum by the way.

  5. #5
    Vaughn's Avatar
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    Humboldt County, CA

    Re: FP4 base side anomalies and Jobo 3005

    I push my film down all the way (as per the Jobo instructions), but if I am vigorous with my pouring out of the water and/or chemicals, the film does end up higher up tube.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Re: FP4 base side anomalies and Jobo 3005

    So you had the issue with Ilford films? I pushed Tri-X to the bottom of the drums and maybe anti-halation didn't always come out on its own, but never any of these strange almost textured patterns on the base side.

  7. #7

    Re: FP4 base side anomalies and Jobo 3005

    I load FP4 into a water filled drum and slide it down to the bottom as Jobo says to do. Put the lid on, gently dump the water out, start the rotation and add the pre wash water. No problems.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Re: FP4 base side anomalies and Jobo 3005

    Yeah I tried putting the film as you described with drum full of water after having soaking for a few in a tray and not a whole lot of difference, the base side is still all funky. I sincerely never had these particular issues with Kodak's base side....

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Re: FP4 base side anomalies and Jobo 3005

    So some of the stuff from the base side is showing through on the scans and even with emulsion side down I am getting newton rings. Is this how Ilford films are in general? I am not trying to say anything negative about their films, but this is really frustrating.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    May 2010
    BANNED in the USA!

    Re: FP4 base side anomalies and Jobo 3005

    yeah...same problems for me--not jobo, but tube nonetheless....

    scratches and the dye don't come off--AND it takes the pattern of whats behind it---

    you can eliminate a lot of the dye by doing a pre-soak with a LOT of water---more water gives pressure to get behind the film to dissolve the layer

    I can't seem to every get the larger ilford films to work without getting marks of some kind because that base appears to need the exact same water treatment all over to make it homogeneous appearance---when I used ilford with screens, the screens imprinted themselves---even if you do the pre-soak, you'll see that you'll get the drum rib marks on the back of the film too--these don't show up when you do prints, but I'm doing reversals--so I'm always looking right at the film and I notice everything

    this is even worse with 11x14 sheets--the bigger the sheets- the harder it is to get water in back to wash out the dye layer--also the bigger the sheets, the bigger the forces on the sheet of film---this causes more scratching action....

    I've mentioned this in a thread myself, but those that develop ilford 4x5 in trays told me that I didn't know what I was talking about...
    anyways--I only use kodak--never a problem with kodak like the ilford.

    try that pre-soak...fill the drum UP with water ,,,, you'll be amazed at the amount of dye that comes out....really pretty colors too sometimes


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