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Thread: Terminology: group-portrait vs group-photo

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Vienna, Austria

    Terminology: group-portrait vs group-photo

    was debating with a photography curator friend this issue and we couldn't find a definite answer. is there is or was there a difference in using these two terms - group-photography and group-portrait. are there other terms that relate to making a photograph of a group posed together? is there a standard for using these terms? is there an acceptable/respectable source to read about terminology of photography genres? (i don't mean these websites with some terminology made mainly to sell adds or random incomplete wiki-pages).

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Montgomery, Il. USA

    Re: Terminology: group-portrait vs group-photo

    group portrait=more expensive than group photo.
    Aunt Mary's uncle can take a group photo with one of those things you buy at Best Buy. =)

  3. #3
    Land-Scapegrace Heroique's Avatar
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    Re: Terminology: group-portrait vs group-photo

    Quote Originally Posted by John Koehrer View Post
    group portrait=more expensive than group photo.
    Aunt Mary's Uncle can take a group photo with one of those things you buy at Best Buy. =)
    Yes, a “group photo” is taken by Aunt Mary’s Uncle –

    A “group portrait” includes Aunt Mary’s Uncle. ;^)

    If Aunt Mary’s Uncle uses a tripod & self-timer, well, nevermind...

    It’s perfectly natural that a curator, like your friend, would debate this; after all, they’re inclined to categorize things.

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Vienna, Austria

    Re: Terminology: group-portrait vs group-photo

    thanks. anyone else has a more scientific answer?

  5. #5

    Join Date
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    Chicago, IL

    Re: Terminology: group-portrait vs group-photo

    Quote Originally Posted by tadler View Post
    thanks. anyone else has a more scientific answer?
    Yes, obviously. Refer to pages 487-493 of Systema Photographica: The Ontology of Photographic Genres, Tropes and Conventions, published by Yale University Press in 1981. It's out of print, but you if you call Yale, you should be able to get someone to send you a photocopy.

  6. #6

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    Vienna, Austria

    Re: Terminology: group-portrait vs group-photo

    Quote Originally Posted by Ben Syverson View Post
    Yes, obviously. Refer to pages 487-493 of Systema Photographica: The Ontology of Photographic Genres, Tropes and Conventions, published by Yale University Press in 1981. It's out of print, but you if you call Yale, you should be able to get someone to send you a photocopy.
    thanks Ben, that's much more in the direction I was looking for! I'll try to obtain the publication.

  7. #7

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    Chicago, IL

    Re: Terminology: group-portrait vs group-photo

    Unfortunately, I was being a jerk and pulling your leg, though that book sounds exactly like something I would have written if I had been 25 in 1981!

  8. #8

    Join Date
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    Vienna, Austria

    Re: Terminology: group-portrait vs group-photo

    Quote Originally Posted by Ben Syverson View Post
    Unfortunately, I was being a jerk and pulling your leg, though that book sounds exactly like something I would have written if I had been 25 in 1981!
    I wonder if the rest of your 1,125 posts in this forum as "helpful" as this one.
    I guess I shouldn't expect educated, intelligent answers on this subject here.
    Thanks anyway.

  9. #9

    Join Date
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    Chicago, IL

    Re: Terminology: group-portrait vs group-photo

    Hey sorry, I was just poking fun at your request for a "scientific" answer about an obviously subjective semantic question. There is no scientific taxonomy of photographic genres. There never will be. You will not get a "scientific" answer or objective ruling on any question of photographic terminology. We can't even agree on what "Large Format" constitutes, and anytime someone mentions "DOF," it sets off a 20 page flame war.

    I'm not sure what exactly your question is, but if you can rephrase it in a way that would allow for an answer, I would be happy to help!

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Terminology: group-portrait vs group-photo

    Tadler, I'd say a "group portrait" is an at least semi-formal, posed arrangement while a "group photo" is just that, sort of "hey all you guys get under that tree and I'll get a shot of y'all".
    One man's Mede is another man's Persian.

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