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Thread: Cezanne Lamps + ColorGenius Question

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Cezanne Lamps + ColorGenius Question

    Hi all,

    I recall a thread in which several Screen Cezanne users mentioned that it was possible to scan film with only one of the two bottom tray lamps. Is this correct?

    Also, I'd like to find out if it's possible to adjust Shadow Density (SD) and Highlight Density (HD) in the later versions of Color Genius, when scanning negatives. I only have version 1 of the software and, weirdly, it looks like I can't adjust any of these parameters in that version, unless I scan positives/slides.



  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2006
    Southlake TX

    Re: Cezanne Lamps + ColorGenius Question

    No, if your not going to scan reflective materials, you can remove both lamps, and only retain the lamps for transmission scanning.

    The configuration is for the model 5000. The latter model uses a different lamp configuration, though I would guess the same concept would apply.

    Yes scan negatives as positives and invert in your editor ie photoshop.


  3. #3

    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Re: Cezanne Lamps + ColorGenius Question

    Thanks a lot for the lamp info Bob. I'll keep the reflection lamps as spares.

    Scanning negs as positives and inverting in photoshop doesn't give good results...

    Also, if you have a particular methodology for scanning negs on the Cezanne, without throwing information in the low end (shadows) and without clipping highlights, I'd be grateful if you could share it.

    Thanks again


  4. #4
    Peter De Smidt's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Fond du Lac, WI, USA

    Re: Cezanne Lamps + ColorGenius Question

    You want to keep the two upper lamps for film scanning. Are you interested in scanning BW or Color negatives?
    “You often feel tired, not because you've done too much, but because you've done too little of what sparks a light in you.”
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  5. #5

    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Re: Cezanne Lamps + ColorGenius Question

    Hi Peter,

    I've got an Elite, so the lamps are different (two in the bottom tray for reflective) and a single lamp in the upper tray for transmissive. I just removed the bottom lamps and I can still scan film. Nice!

    As for my Color Genius question; I want to scan color negatives.

    Thank you


  6. #6

    Re: Cezanne Lamps + ColorGenius Question

    Quote Originally Posted by mdala View Post
    Scanning negs as positives and inverting in photoshop doesn't give good results...

    Also, if you have a particular methodology for scanning negs on the Cezanne, without throwing information in the low end (shadows) and without clipping highlights, I'd be grateful if you could share it.
    There's no good way to scan color negs on the Cezanne without some clipping on either end, which is unfortunate. I've been getting decent results by calibrating colors using a ColorChecker shot, and scanning as negs with all the settings turned off and using RGB 0-255.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Re: Cezanne Lamps + ColorGenius Question

    I have had some success with setting black and white points while scanning as a positive.
    You may want to check out the ColorNeg plugin:
    Peter Y.

  8. #8

    Re: Cezanne Lamps + ColorGenius Question

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter York View Post
    I have had some success with setting black and white points while scanning as a positive.
    You may want to check out the ColorNeg plugin:
    I played around with ColorPerfect (includes ColorNeg), but it was really complicated to use. Guess I need to spend some more time on it. It did show some promising results. I also tried the Silverfast DCPro demo, and it also showed some decent results, but it's pricey if it's only used for the NegaFix feature. Wish I was able to load TIFF files into Silverfast Studio since that also has NegaFix built in, and I have that software.

  9. #9

    Join Date
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    Southlake TX

    Re: Cezanne Lamps + ColorGenius Question

    I have a method that works, but it's inconsistent. I'm not color neg proficient by any means.

    My way

    Scan negative making sure some of selection box contains some of clear film edge.

    Scan rgb positive.

    In photoshop sample clear film edge in levels with grey eyedropper to neutralize mask to grey.

    Recrop to final size

    Invert in photoshop to positive.

    Set white/black points

    Edit as required.

    Sometimes it works great, sometimes in chasing color correction. Anyone tell me why it's not consistent?


  10. #10

    Re: Cezanne Lamps + ColorGenius Question

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob McCarthy View Post

    Sometimes it works great, sometimes in chasing color correction. Anyone tell me why it's not consistent?

    I think it has something to do with the non-linear nature of film emulsions which is really difficult to replicate digitally without some complex mapping algorithm (which is what something like AC Calibrator does).

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